Another for C&C


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 30, 2010
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San Jose, CA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
None of my shots are planned but rather spontaneous attempts to capture in my travels what I 'see' in my mind...which isn't as easy as that sounds.

Angkor Lake View by Trever1t, on Flickr

Pretty boring before edit. Hopefully not after?
Woa! Pretty cool shot. Amazing clouds and reflection. Nice job!
I love it!!! Fantastic shot....
Thanks. I love learning processing, I feel like I'm pulling a rabbit out of a hat :D
Really cool looking. Love the reflections off the water, that would be a nice one to get printed.
very nice! would love to see it in B&W
There are times when a centered horizon works well. It's called symetry. This is one of those examples IMO.

My only crit would be to clean up the debris in the water lower right corner.

;) I didn't crop any off the top in this rendition but I did clean up a few spots of human artifact (garbage) from the bottom right area. I wanted to leave the alge/flora as I had seen it. I Had considered centering the frame and could crop more off the bottom but I liked the reflections... If I could take another shot I'd most likely frame it as you suggest but alas it's on the opposite side of the world and I'm working with files from August 2010 that had just been recovered off a formatted disc. :)

i like it symmetrical, because of the 'perfect' reflection of the sky. like this: Deleted, as you wished ..
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That reflection is fantastic, nice capture.

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