Are we ruining the best places?

The gall of people! Good way to get shot at, here in Michigan. We are living in a strange society these days.
We've been seeing this on the news lately. People injuring or killing themselves trying to get the " ultimate " shot or something unique, all to garner those so important " likes ". It's hard to feel sorry for these people, but the landowners and innocents are the ones really paying the price. A local overlook was just closed this year because of the inconsiderate individuals destroying the beauty as well as safety measures that allowed nature lovers to enjoy something that used to be available to anyone and everyone. Instead of having a hunting season on animals, I'd love to see one for the idiots!
Just another symptom of this vastly over-populated world. Anything that becomes popular, becomes over popular.

Thailand has had to close several islands due to the destructive forces of on-line generated popularity.

But it looks like the 'human problem' is self-limiting and our days are numbered anyway.
Talk to the NA tribes about this.
While I agree 100% in principle with all of the sentiments expressed, I disagree that photographers are the problem. 99.9% of the issue relates to people with cameras, NOT photographers. Having a camera and taking "selfies" (Ugh; I can't believe I just typed that, I need to go and wash my keyboard) no more makes you a photographer than having a set of Sears socket wrenches makes you a mechanic. The vast majority of photographers I know are careful, respectful and law-abiding.
We've seen a great number of people outside of the selfie/influencer (what idiot is influenced by a narcissistic 22 yr old anyhow?) community doing similar things here when the Snowy Owls are out.

They'll take a break from their office job, pick up the camera, walk across a farmers field with a cooler of mice and bait an owl right across the road.
I've made it my goal to piss them off as much as possible. They won't bait if I'm around, so sometimes I decide I need to shoot this owl (that's really not in a photogenic spot) for the next while, or just review the images on my camera from my truck as I'm parked within view.

I really think a good fist to the face would cure some of these self absorbed people. To bad our peaceful society doesn't allow you to assault someone unless you have a banner with a cause on it.

Makes me want to buy land in Nunavut.
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I read his rant and it sounded like an anti Instagram rant mostly. Apparently, he hits up a lot f places that are super-popular, and feels above it all. After all, he was doing it first...and now that the places he helped to popularize are "popular" everybody else is ruining them for him.
Just another encounter with that herd of independent minds...

Similar stories from my patch with hordes of narcissistic goofs invading sunflower fields in southern Ontario.

I learned a decade ago when “urban exploration” was popular never to share choice locations with any others beside friends who’d stepped on nails or risked injury checking out sites they shared with me.
"all the places I helped to popularize are now overrun with people. Call me a wambulance!!!!!"
I was reading about something similar happening with sunflower fields in I think northern California. Ridiculous to think the farmers need to not just put up fences and signs but maybe will need to start hiring private security or continually calling the local sheriff's office. Or something... Places may have to develop stricter laws on trespassing to stop this.

These people aren't photographers, I don't know that us modeling appropriate respectful ways to take photos would necessarily make a difference. If it wasn't for cameras in phones, it wouldn't be so easy to do, but the biggest thing is social media; if it wasn't for that these people wouldn't have anyplace to show all this off.

Guess I'm glad it isn't so scenic here, nobody is tromping around trying to get pictures of corn and soybeans and cows.
Two thoughts

1. Inconsiderate people doing inconsiderate things is the new norm.

2. "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded."
We have places here where you can see the tri pod holes in the ground from everyone using the same spot
I like that comment, "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded. "
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