Birds are hard!!! Not sure how you all do it.

No doubt birds are a serious challenge unless there stuffed.Don't give up before the rewards it can be frustrating especially if you short on patience but when you get a good one its sweetness.Patience is virtue. Well squirrels are springy things to and can be tough to capture on the move and you got the squirrel and its a nice shot. I think all photography is challenging and just because something is not flying don't make it any easer. I maybe able to shoot some birds but I sure can't shoot a wedding or portrait or a model shoot with out practice and practice and practice for a lifetime.A goldmine would help to,to get everything one needs for the task.
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I did get 2 bird photos that I like but they are not the sweet bird close ups that all the TPF birders get.

This one reminded me of 3 pals just hanging out:
Birds2 by SharonCat..., on Flickr

And this one I really liked the one bird just standing on the ice watching the other fly away and it was the one shot where I felt that the bird was sharp:
Birds1 by SharonCat..., on Flickr
I curse myself almost every day I decide to shoot birds! I tell my wife the same things you mention. "Look at this, honey! How the hell does he do it?" :)
I curse myself almost every day I decide to shoot birds! I tell my wife the same things you mention. "Look at this, honey! How the hell does he do it?" :)

I was out there to take some landscape photos and had my new 70-300 with me so decided to try to catch a few birds. I am definitely not going to get addicted to birding. I'm not I'm not I'm not.
Took a ton of shots of birds and ended up with this as my favorite.

SharonCat..., on Flickr
If it makes you feel any better I have flirted with birding as well. Below is an example of a great situation where 2 birds were on the opposite bank of a lake but would not turn round to face me and of course they flew away. I even started to make funny noises to see if they would look at me.


Every time I try to capture some bird pics I just get more impressed by the people who can actually do it.

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