Breezy City Morning


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 19, 2015
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New London, CT
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My wife didn't like it for our Christmas cards, but it might be my favorite. It was cold and breezy, and her hat went on almost immediately after I took this picture. I did a lot more PP work than I normally do this photo, so any feedback would be great.


[url=]no traffic light by jwa04, on Flickr[/URL]
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On my phone, but I think you missed focus. Her boots look sharp and her eyes soft. Composition wise, I think if you had shot this horizontally it would be stronger. She needs space to her left to "look in to", right now she is looking just to the edge of the frame. I would probably clone the traffic light. She looks so sweet in her outfit and I love the movement of the wind blowing her jacket! Color and exposure look good too [emoji16]
On my phone, but I think you missed focus. Her boots look sharp and her eyes soft. Composition wise, I think if you had shot this horizontally it would be stronger. She needs space to her left to "look in to", right now she is looking just to the edge of the frame. I would probably clone the traffic light. She looks so sweet in her outfit and I love the movement of the wind blowing her jacket! Color and exposure look good too [emoji16]

Weird...I agree her face looks soft on here and on the jpeg I created. It's as sharp as my lens gets at F4.0 when I look at the RAW file in Lightroom. I'm going to see if maybe it looks better if I create a different quality file and then post through flickr.

I think the horizontal perspective would be interesting but space wise it would have been impossible from where I was standing. I was sitting on a railing that drops off about 6 feet behind, and I was wide as I could go with this lens. As far as the traffic lights go, I thought it was cool to show just how hard the wind was blowing, but I could also see cloning them!

Thanks for your feedback, I always appreciate it. I really admire the work you do.
This is a case of "Take what you get or don't take the shot"; it's a wonderful family image, and looking at the larger version, her face seems acceptably sharp to me. I wonder about making those traffic lights go away; they're the jarring note in the background.
You guys are right...much better without the traffic light. OP updated.
What lights? I like it. I'd crop down to around the top knot. Burn in the left side of the face/ear a tad and her boots and then take a look at a B&W version. The B&W will minimize the ambiance but bring out the subject ... but looking into the wind has ambiance that you want to save.

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