C&C Portrait


TPF Noob!
Jun 30, 2009
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Shot with my D90 with a 85mm 1.8 lense
I like just about everything in this photo (particularly the light sources) except for her posture. I think to me it comes across less like a portrait and more like a really great accident. I would prefer for her to be a tad more upright or else composed a little more loosely so that we can see the rest of her hat and probably some of her shoulders as well.
The reflection in the left eye kills it, and something about that color of eyeshadow is troublesome to me. I am not sure if it is because it matches the hat, or is too close to her eye color, that makes her eyes look weird. Hmmm...maybe it's that the hat is also blending into the eyeshadow on the right eye making it seem bigger, the reflection in the left eye makes it seem weird, and the eyeshadow is also such a sharp line on the left eye.

Can't put my finger on it exactly.
The reflection in the left eye kills it, and something about that color of eyeshadow is troublesome to me. I am not sure if it is because it matches the hat, or is too close to her eye color, that makes her eyes look weird. Hmmm...maybe it's that the hat is also blending into the eyeshadow on the right eye making it seem bigger, the reflection in the left eye makes it seem weird, and the eyeshadow is also such a sharp line on the left eye.

Can't put my finger on it exactly.

The reflection part I can understand but I did not chose her eye shadow lol....
I know she trys to match alot so maybe she ment to do I dont know did not think to ask.

I tried about 10 things while trying to get a good shot of her and this was about number 10. Everything that I pulled back to get had too many distractions. the light was off the ground in that spot cause she was outside standing on a marble floor. The sun reflected off of it so there was no shadows. That is the main reason we took the 10 or s shots there. This was the only one I took so close up! the rest were should up.

Hell maybe it was a accident, and maybe I dont know what I am doing.. but Aspirin was too and it turned out well! LOL

Thanks for the C&C and keep it coming. I really like others opinions and points of view!
Also she is standing straight up I just tilted the camera... because nothing else was working.. Well not really but I did not like any of the other shots cause of stuff in the background with bad reflections and stuff!
I think the color, lighting and girl all look great.

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