Can You Hear Me Now?


TPF Noob!
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Ok, he is an attempt to be a real photographer. Today was the first day I was able to take some pictures by myself, no wife and no child to watch just me and my camera. What do you think?

I like it too. Nice eye; all that empty space works well. Now, if only the phone was red, not blue!
I agree with ariadne, B/W might be nice, just to see the difference.
I tried punching up the contrast and converting it for you, I hope you don't mind.


I like them both, though. It's mostly a matter of opinion-- on if you like B/W or not. But it bothers me that the phone booth wasn't red. For some odd reeason. :p
Ya that was my first idea actually but when I went to b/w my wife quickly said she preferred the color one, and I guess I kinda started feeling the same. But I didn't get the b/w as good as you did, I'm still trying to figure out which way is the best to make it b/w in Photoshop.

But I agree with you they both look nice just a matter of taste.
I like the composition. Could have been a little sharper but nothing that can't be done in Photoshop.

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