Control Panel

412 Burgh

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 18, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
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CC Please. Overall I think it's a okay shot. Looking for critique on composition and lighting

Tried using 500 PX to upload but haven't figured it out yet, I think I like that site more than FlickR as of now.

Control Panel by ZDiBeradin, on Flickr
I find the lighting to be very flat, and I'm looking for some shadow to help define the shapes better - as it is, they kinda blend in together and you have to work at discerning the detail. Also, as my eye goes wandering around the image, I keep on wanting to wipe my visual feet on a clean cloth...;)

Compositionally, the image seems somewhat unbalanced. The dark rectangle seems to want to topple over to the right. I am wondering if you would consider a crop down the middle of the panel so that the edge between the panel and the brick would be at the center point? Then the lighter brick on the right would kinda balance the darker panel on the left.

It's an interesting find.
Interesting shot. I would like to see some close ups of the gauge.
I would like the pic to be more straight, it may be you not holding the camera. Thats the first thing that got my eye.

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I agree; the image would be improved by being level and square. The lighting doesn't seem to suit the subject. How about increasing brightness/exposure and doing a high contrast mono conversion?
Quick little perspective/skew adjustment:


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