
TPF Noob!
Aug 19, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hello everyone,

I am going to shoot with expired ektachrome films this weekend, which is intentional, and makes sense for the concept of my project. It expired in December 1996.

I am expecting to do some or a lot of job with photoshop in terms of color balance. My only concern is underexposure-- could anyone you kindly give me advice if there's anything I can prevent during the shoot for underexposure? Or would it be safer if I just push the films during the process? If so, how many stops should I push? I know it's hard to determine without seeing the physical material, but it would be super helpful and appreciated if anyone could share any knowledge.

The films have been stored in freezer mostly, at least 10 years, but I have no idea before then. But they are required from a well-known photographer and professor so I assume they have been kept well.

Thank you very much for reading and for your time.

I just shot some that expired in '86 or there abouts. I shot at box speed and the exposure was just fine. Has a blue color cast though. Not terrible so its fixable in post.

If you can, shoot a single sheet and see how it comes out. Then go from there.
Why are we using expired Ektachrome only to digitize it and run it through Photoshop? Why not shoot it digitally in the first place?
Why not shoot it digitally in the first place?

The OP gave the reason:

"... because it makes sense for the concept of my project."
I must confess that I'm curious about the same thing, though not for the same reason. I don't think "shoot slide film and scan" is the equivalent of "just shoot digital." I don't agree that the OP would get the same results by shooting with a digital camera. But I do wonder what kind of concept calls for shooting a film that will create a distinctive color profile if the intention is to change that color profile. I'm not saying that it automatically makes no sense, just that I'm having a hard time imagining the motivation.

As for what to do - not sure if you're shooting sheet or roll film, but I agree that the first roll or first few sheets should be test runs. I generally shoot expired film slower than box speed. How much slower would depend, and something I would determine with a test roll. I'm not convinced pushing is a good idea.
It would be interesting to know why it makes sense because it doesn't make any sense to me unless he doesn't have a digital camera.

I think you mean, '... unless SHE doesn't have a digital camera.' :p

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