fav photographer---who and why


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2008
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ok so i'm looking for photographers that i can veiw their work and think "one day i'll be that good" i know it sounds strange but i really like having people to "look up to" so my question is who is YOUR favourite photographer and why? i need ideas... thanks :)
from casey
I wanna talk a little about a photographer I absolutely HATE.

His name is John Harrington.

He's a photographer based out of Washington DC and he's an absolute equipment whore. He has probably...2 million dollars in photo gear. His work isnt bad, but it doesnt justify selling millionaire status for 1.9 mil in gear he doesnt even need.

My favourite photographer is...me! hah!

I actually don't pay attention to other photographers. If I see photos I like, then yay, but I can't even think of the names of any photographers off the top of my head. Maybe I'll find some that will stick with me, sooner or later.

I wanna talk a little about a photographer I absolutely HATE.

His name is John Harrington.

He's a photographer based out of Washington DC and he's an absolute equipment whore. He has probably...2 million dollars in photo gear. His work isnt bad, but it doesnt justify selling millionaire status for 1.9 mil in gear he doesnt even need.


I looked at his portrait and concert work on that website...I'm not sure if he's screwing up all his photos in post, or if he can't use his bajillion-dollar gear, but he sucks. All his photos are full of noise and artifacts, and many of his shots are composed poorly. "Durrrr I know u can see da reflektor in this pix, but it still costs 2000 dollarz kthx". Bleh.
im in love with gregory crewdson
My favourite photographer is...me! hah!

I actually don't pay attention to other photographers. If I see photos I like, then yay, but I can't even think of the names of any photographers off the top of my head. Maybe I'll find some that will stick with me, sooner or later.

I looked at his portrait and concert work on that website...I'm not sure if he's screwing up all his photos in post, or if he can't use his bajillion-dollar gear, but he sucks. All his photos are full of noise and artifacts, and many of his shots are composed poorly. "Durrrr I know u can see da reflektor in this pix, but it still costs 2000 dollarz kthx". Bleh.

Ya why IS that...almost every picture looks like he saves at the lowest quality jpeg.

As for me, ive got a few ive been looking at for a while:




Recently, Joe Mcnally.


I'm convinced that he's probably the best all-round photographer in the world. He might not be super great at anything in particular, but he can do anything.
hmm I have very few that come to mind - though there are several members of forums that I really admir for their quality of work.
One I would recomend viewing though is Juza

not only great shots there but some good advice on photography and kit as well (sorry its canon only kit ;))
Fuzzy Duenkel, He is a prize winning Wisconsin photographer, and he did a relationship portrait between a man and his adult children, and his dying wife.
The portrait was stunning. I am surprised it is no longer on his website.
I would like to be able to create something so beautiful.
Has anyone ever checked out Rod Evans senior site? He had a neat one last year, trash the dress and all, this year has taken on a whole new theme.
McDuff Everton rocks my world when it comes to landscape photography.

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