first baby shoot C and C please


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 8, 2011
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aberdeenshire, Scotland
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I took these for a friend this morning, I have done a bit of processing on them also... this was not paid or anything my freind just asked me if I would take some shots. I dont have studio lights or anything I just used natural sunlight through the window and fluffy blankets to get a soft look. I like them but I know that the pictures could be sharper. Would you normaly use proffesional lighting for a baby photo shoot? Id like to possibly try again and any tips or advice would be great. Here are 4 of my favourites, comments and critique would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

1 beanie

2 lily

3 feathers

4 feathers 2
Can you post them SOOC without the processing?
Also it's helpful if you list your settings: iso, aperture, shutter speed
ok, I used arpeture priority on my camera and it was set to f4.5, my iso was at 200. here is a picture I have done no processing to yet. As you can see it looks a bit dull... they all looked a bit like this one. I dont have photoshop, I used lightroom to increase the exposure and play with the colours and I used gimp to add the text in number 2... thanks for any advice in advance :) I know the original is not great but as a final result do you think the mummy will be happy with them?

so no one has any tips for me?... as this is not my proffession and only a hobby I dont have alot of equipment but id like to be able to take good shots for my freinds as gifts and ive a few more freinds with babys on the way. For these pictures I didnt want to use a flash... I only have the in camera flash on my sony a290 dslr. For indoor shoots like this without a soft box should I have used artifitial light... like a lamp? I know that if I could get the originals to be a sharper picture without a flash Id have less proccessing and a better result. Id like to acheive a picture that is more in focus, but I dont want to spend too much money. Should I invest in a soft box? Ive seen cheap ones but I have been put off getting one as im unsure of the quality. Were my camera settings wrong? Has anyone else tried this "home made studio" Id really appreciate any advice :)
I like your pics! I'm sorry I'm new to this all so I cannot help you with any of your questions.
hayleyfraser24 said:
so no one has any tips for me?... as this is not my proffession and only a hobby I dont have alot of equipment but id like to be able to take good shots for my freinds as gifts and ive a few more freinds with babys on the way. For these pictures I didnt want to use a flash... I only have the in camera flash on my sony a290 dslr. For indoor shoots like this without a soft box should I have used artifitial light... like a lamp? I know that if I could get the originals to be a sharper picture without a flash Id have less proccessing and a better result. Id like to acheive a picture that is more in focus, but I dont want to spend too much money. Should I invest in a soft box? Ive seen cheap ones but I have been put off getting one as im unsure of the quality. Were my camera settings wrong? Has anyone else tried this "home made studio" Id really appreciate any advice :)

Lighting shouldn't really affect your focus, at least I don't think so. Your SOOC photo is way underexposed! If you could open up your lens a little more (lower f #) that might help or you could try shooting in manual to see what would work with the lighting available then change it to a priority setting. You are right to not use your on camera flash but (I may be wrong since I'm not too familiar w/ lighting) you could always get some off camera flashes and use those!

The mom will love these pictures since they are of her baby and they aren't horrible. I personally don't like the processing style - I'd like to see a clean edit on them. The skin is a different color in every image and looks too perfect. Is the whole set processed this way? In the first one with the hat - because of the processing done it makes the hat the focus of the picture whereas the eyes should be. The babies eyes look black in all the pictures - probably brown eyes but they are super dark.

Do you mind if I play around with the original and post it here? It wont be for a little while since I'm not at my computer.
I played with your straight out of camera pic a bit in gimp.
I think that I dodged it a tad to much, I took up the contrast a bit and smoothed out the blotchy a bit and a tiny bit of sharpening..
and brought up the reds

lizheaemma said:
I played with your straight out of camera pic a bit in gimp.
I think that I dodged it a tad to much, I took up the contrast a bit and smoothed out the blotchy a bit and a tiny bit of sharpening..
and brought up the reds

Skin is still a tad dark and way too smooth IMO. The skin shouldn't be perfect on a newborn.
lizheaemma said:
I played with your straight out of camera pic a bit in gimp.
I think that I dodged it a tad to much, I took up the contrast a bit and smoothed out the blotchy a bit and a tiny bit of sharpening..
and brought up the reds

I do like the edit you did the best. Much more natural looking!
It was just a quick quick edit to let her see what she could do in gimp.

I didn't think it was bad - its just that her edited pictures have smoothed out the skin so much that the baby looks doll like.

So, here is a quick edit in Adobe Camera Raw - I adjusted the white balance (as much as I could with a JPEG), put a slight amount of negative clarity on the skin and lowered the exposure on the background since it was a lot brighter than the baby. I tried bringing back the eyes but the details in the eyes are completely gone and unrecoverable with this. From what I could get the eyes to do - I almost think the baby had blue eyes maybe? When I increased the fill light as far as it could go the eyes turned blue but looked really strange. I pretty much left the eyes alone. I did sharpen it some and it might be too much. My computer screen isn't calibrated so I tried to do the best I could!

Edit for Hayley by MT Vision Photography, on Flickr

I will take it down if you don't like it - just let me know!
They are very underexposed. Indoors you need either a nice bright window or you need to up your ISO.

How old was the baby?

I would stay away from the processing you are doing, it is very old/outdated. Keep it clean, in 20 years they will thank you for just keeping it "normal"

Here is my 2 second play in LR, adjusted white balance and exposure that is all.


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