First time shooting outside w/ Flash


TPF Noob!
Apr 24, 2012
Reaction score
Sherwood, AR
Can others edit my Photos
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I finally got a decent flash and corned my...I would rather clean house then pose...son. I am okay with my first photos. Hard to photograph a 6 ft 4 inch person. Didn't have any time for posing. It was like take it, already!




Not bad. Obviously harsh ambient light, and there's only so much you can do with a single speedlight... Remember to try the odd portrait-aspect and don't be afraid to place the subject a little off-centre.
I like #1 best. I think it shows the best balance between ambient and flash.
#1. Definitely agree that it's the best
#2. I think I would have liked to see him off centered a bit like tirediron mentioned
#3. White balance on the skin is a little cool for my tastes. I'd warm that up a bit
#4. Soft focus around the face? Or is it just my eyes? I think I should probably invest in some glasses...
White balance is of, I agree. In a few looks like I pasted him on a background. I don't like that.
Ill give you a little secret. The key is to mix the sun with your flash or the wb will look off (unless you gel it). This is what you did wrong. If you have a sunny day, do not put your subject in the shade and add flash unless you dont see the sunny background. Thats why your first an last the WB looks better.

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