From far far far away...the elusive white

Also, there is a HUGE least a 6 point (is that 6 on each side?) his rack is so big you can see him from the road..basically from where I took my pic b4 it was cropped!
He's also been here all these heres to long life for whitie! (thats what I named her) lol
Damn...and I thought my NINJA skills were the max!

well, now I'm finding some more baby jumper spiders...and trying to get macro shots without falling off the chair to get to them...even with a 200 and standing on a chair they are coming out really tiny and too far away.
If I could reach it (them) I would grab one and put them on a pc of paper to take the pics...but too damn short to reach them.

:Cringes: Yuck, Spiders! Screw pictures, You could just.... get a small torch... and :er: :lol:
as we speak I'm looking for a new house :lol: the time it took for me to type that message that baby spider disappeared!
who knows where it went...into the new tree probably.
I'm screwed every which way till tuesday in regards to these spiders...I can't reach them to kill them, I can't reach them to put them outside (where they will die anyway) and I can't spray them because I used the entire can of bugspray ystrday morning on the spider tree and it didnt' kill them anyway...
now I just sit here and watch and hope they dont effn land on ME!
as we speak I'm looking for a new house :lol: the time it took for me to type that message that baby spider disappeared!
who knows where it went...into the new tree probably.
I'm screwed every which way till tuesday in regards to these spiders...I can't reach them to kill them, I can't reach them to put them outside (where they will die anyway) and I can't spray them because I used the entire can of bugspray ystrday morning on the spider tree and it didnt' kill them anyway...
now I just sit here and watch and hope they dont effn land on ME!

:biglaugh: Now thats creepy! I'd be gettin my house sprayed.. eek! ( but then again im a ball-less panzy when it comes to spiders... ) :lmao:
Well my friends dad knows shes there, and he's a pretty BOLD I have no doubt that if anyone tresspassing on his land he wouldn't do something about it (if ya get my drift)...and I just hope she doesn't travel, this same herd? (is it a herd?) has been in this exact spot for the 4 years I've lived here...We watched many a fawn grow up here, and only on a rare rare occassion do you seen them on the side of the road (victim of accident) hopefully she will be safe.
you seem to know alot about when she reproduces will the offspring be normal color? or will some of them have genetic markers and be white too?

Oh, I definatly get your drift.

You are looking a herd of probably two or three mature does and her fawns that were born last spring. If there is enough land there, and not many people know about her, she'll probably be safe from hunters. The one thing she dosen't have going for her is a total lack of camoflauge. There are plenty of coyote and a decent population of bobcats in Deleware that would love to make a snack out of her and she isn't hard to spot.

The piebald coloring is caused by a genetic mutation. In order for her to pass this coloring on, she would need to breed with another genetic carrier. Since its a mutation, its often accompanied by other physical defomities including skeltal and internal organ defomities. Because of this, its unlikely that she will survive long enough to breed with another carrier. There are a lot of things stacked up against her..... which is why seeing them in the wild is so rare.

Also, there is a HUGE least a 6 point (is that 6 on each side?) his rack is so big you can see him from the road..basically from where I took my pic b4 it was cropped!
He's also been here all these heres to long life for whitie! (thats what I named her) lol

That would be a 12 point, you add up the points on each side.
OMG...I'm so GLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD you just said that about bobcats...behind my a huge cat...wild of course...and from the day we moved here, I said "that cat is too big to be a regular stray" I saw him with binoculars..and he has tufts on his face...I tell my husband...he says I'm crazy and that there are NO bobcats in DE...I say he is wrong...
then the lady in the cul de sac behind my house (crazy cat lady) tells me one day that she and husband used to catch and release wild cats after they have them spayed and neutered...and that the vet told her that the particular cat I am talking about was at least 1/4 bobcat, and it was probably the result of a bobcat mating with one of her wild strays...
he still refuses to believe there are bobcats here.
The farm that Deer is EXPANSIVE...and I mean...EXPANSIVE, but there is not even 2 acres of woods that those deer hide in...they are always around...but never leave.
I hope it will be ok. so you mean to tell me that deer is from this spring and it's that big already???? I wonder how I've missed it for this long, we are always checking out the deer when we go by, and we yell at them...the kids think it's funny to watch them all stop eating and watch us....we call it a "redneck drive by". lol
OMG...I'm so GLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD you just said that about bobcats...behind my a huge cat...wild of course...and from the day we moved here, I said "that cat is too big to be a regular stray" I saw him with binoculars..and he has tufts on his face...I tell my husband...he says I'm crazy and that there are NO bobcats in DE...I say he is wrong...
then the lady in the cul de sac behind my house (crazy cat lady) tells me one day that she and husband used to catch and release wild cats after they have them spayed and neutered...and that the vet told her that the particular cat I am talking about was at least 1/4 bobcat, and it was probably the result of a bobcat mating with one of her wild strays...
he still refuses to believe there are bobcats here.
The farm that Deer is EXPANSIVE...and I mean...EXPANSIVE, but there is not even 2 acres of woods that those deer hide in...they are always around...but never leave.
I hope it will be ok. so you mean to tell me that deer is from this spring and it's that big already???? I wonder how I've missed it for this long, we are always checking out the deer when we go by, and we yell at them...the kids think it's funny to watch them all stop eating and watch us....we call it a "redneck drive by". lol

I have to apologize... for some reason I was getting Deleware and Vermont mixed up in my head. :confused: There shouldn't be a large population of Bobcats in DE.... but it certainly isn't impossible for them to be around here. I just did a quick google search and there are about a dozen or so confirmed sitings every year.

Its tough to say if that piebald is from last spring or not, but could very well be, and I am leaning towrads saying yes. Deer will stay with their mother for about a year. After a year to 15 months, the does will typically join its mother and remain in a local family herd and the bucks will leave on its own, live alone for the summer and find a doe to mate with next fall.
The deer that ran in front of the white one when I was getting closer must have been it's momma then.
There also was recently a cougar siting...and I've heard stories of them being in Kent and New Castle and Sussex counties, but they have seem to have diminished since they started building down here.
Jumping spiders are tricky - thing is even if you get close enough for a shot they'll often jump at their own reflection in the lens (which does mean right at you!).
Those deer are not going to attack you. Their first instinct is to run. Usually it is only the male deer in rut that does dumb things. The only time a doe may do something stupid is if it is cornered. I have spent 30 years in the woods, and you seem to have more crazy deer stories then I have.

If there are hunters in your area, and hunting is allowed, even if that is private property, the white deer will not last 2 seasons.
I wouldn't get too worked up about the spiders (although your other thread about them is hilarious).

We have a bunch of spiders in my house and they never bother us much. Of course we didn't bring them in on a
Our basement is full of centipede's as well. Most people will go their whole lives (around here) and not see but one or two and during the summer we were seeing one or two a week. They are nocturnal and carnivores (as in eat other insects - like spiders). They are creepy.

I would keep trying to get to that deer. If you know a hunter, ask him to borrow a tree stand or a hunting blind (just tell him you want pics of deers - not that there is a white That way maybe you can get closer (or they will come closer to you).
Ill just keep going there,,,maybe I'll sneak up on them by moving along the woods while they are eating in the field. think these are some deer stories? I have one where I encountered a BUFFALO loose on a mountain from a game me when I tell you that I've had the life of a 80 yr old person and not a mid thirties

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