Godox AD600 - Wireless remote compatibility between Nikon and Canon

Today I tried with my Yongnuo flash mounted on my D3200 body. I was able to go to max. shutter speed of 4000th of a sec. However, as guessable, I started getting the black bar beyond 1/250th itself. With Derrel's above comment, may be this is what we can conclude:

1. Yongnuo flash has got only a center pin that communicates through Nikon - May be in lay man's term, there is no a complete communication between camera and flash. This allows the camera shutter to go beyond its max. sync shutter speed.
  • No HSS achieved.
  • If black bar is acceptable, shutter speed can be taken to max. shutter speed limit of the body.

2. Godox remote has got 4 pins contacting with Nikon's hot shoe slot. So, full communication between them is established. This doesn't allow the camera to go beyond its max. sync. shutter speed.
  • No HSS achieved.
  • Shutter speed limited to max. sync. shutter speed of the camera body.
guess the camera still needs to support autoFP in order to sync above the bodies own max speed -- i didnt think that mattered.

I just put a piece of tape under my R2 controller and only allowed the center pin to contact. I was getting the black bar on anything over 1/200, I suppose the body still needs to be able to communicate to the flash controller "im shooting fast good luck!"

I remember fooling around with this a long time ago when I was on my d5100 body, i forgot what i did, but I believe it required firing a manual flash to optically sync another flash that was shooting at very high power -- the flash duration of the second flash was able to expose the image.

I'd try it again right now, but all my flashes are in the basement and im lazy!

Ian Brooks Photography - Blog: High Speed Sync Hack

edit: just tried a manual flash optically triggering my xplor600, no luck. I'll try doing something like in the link later today -- manual flash, signalling a transmitter to fire that's controlling the flash.
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