Graphic Novel Styled Session


TPF Noob!
Jul 16, 2010
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Southern Ontario
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Here is a pic from Saturday's session. 2 hrs of body painting, not including the time I took to airbrush the mask. The lighting blew through the paint in some areas, which is something I will have to watch for the next time.

Interesting concept! A "more ripped" model would probably help to carry this off better. Notice that bright, curved highlight on subject right at the pants / belt line? Looks like a love handle.. not conducive to the image of the muscular super hero! Wrinkles in the shorts are also not convincing (very obvious with the lighting).

Love the work on the mask.... lighting shows off what definition there is very well.
Interesting concept! A "more ripped" model would probably help to carry this off better. Notice that bright, curved highlight on subject right at the pants / belt line? Looks like a love handle.. not conducive to the image of the muscular super hero! Wrinkles in the shorts are also not convincing (very obvious with the lighting).

Love the work on the mask.... lighting shows off what definition there is very well.

Thanks for looking and commenting. I don't know, he looks pretty fit to me although he did say he wanted to be more ripped for the session. As it stood, he is currently at 9% body fat (something that will never happen to me until I am dead). I think what you are really seeing is his oblique muscle. Here is another view, although it is less flattering for showing the flaws in the paint job. I didn't try to hide the wrinkles. I like the way they show where an edge so they don't get completely lost in the black.


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