Hipsters stunned as vintage cameras fail to make them professional photographers

Haha. Love it.
Histpers wasted their money.

Bestbuy sells the "instant pro photographer" cameras. Ask any clerk there as he shows you an entry level Canon or Nikon DSLR
“Here at Hipster Photographer Rescue we give these kids options, and make them see that lurking self-consciously on street corners, wearing a messenger bag filled with old cameras, cigarettes, a James Joyce novel, organic cashews and a Macbook Pro, does not make you a professional photographer.
“Still, we can only detox, de-program and re-home so many of these little guys,” he sighed.

Love it! That is dead on in too many ways!
Funny. Almost sounds like an article from The Onion. I'll have to follow this site.
“But it’s actually because we’re shooting it the way we saw it. It’s, like, our truth,” he added, pausing to crack the plastic case of his new Lomograph camera to create light leaks.

They could just scan and upload to instagram and be set!!!
I couldn't read the entire article. A crying baby just kept popping up on my screen.

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