How did she get these results?


TPF Noob!
Aug 18, 2012
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north MS
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I love this womans pooch photos! Other than just being a good photographer, how does she take such good photos? Spacifically, how does she get the colors in her photos to pop?
Hmmm... I see correctly-exposed, sharply focused, and well composed images, but I don't see anything vastly out of the ordinary. She's clearly a well experienced pet photographer... as far as the colours go, about the only thing I notice is that she usually seems to be able to place the animal in a scene which shows it to advantage (eg, she doesn't shoot a bichon on snow). Can you linke to a specific image with specific questions?
She is good at sharp focus, using the right shutter speed and knows how to handle DOF. She is also good at using fill (reflector and flash) And she is good in post (and not afraid of a little saturation!). She is probably very patient with subjects, and develops good rapport with them! In other words, she is an imaginative, experienced photographer that loves her craft!
She's pushing saturation quite a bit and contrast a moderate amount.

There's some where she appears to be masking so as to hit the background with a bit more saturation than the animal, and/or selectively pushing saturation for specific colors (green, frequently).
Constant observation, continued perseverance, developed expertise to click at the right instant and a vast recycle bin to send hundreds of unwanted images clicked in between :D

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