How much do you hate this? (NSFW)


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 27, 2011
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Nashville, Tn
Can others edit my Photos
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So... remember that awesome thread about what level photographer you are? THIS image is the reason I'm not a level 5 yet. :lmao:

This is another image from a boudoir client I just had...

She REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY wanted to take some shots with her fiance's car because it's his "second love".



I was ADMITTEDLY at a complete loss for what to do with this sh*t.

The original exposures were admittedly REALLY sh*tty. REALLY. You'll see below... And it took a sh*tton of PSing to get it to where it is now. WAY more than I would like to have done....... had I done it right IN-CAMERA... which I did not.

I'm pretty much in hate with this image right now, but it's what the client wanted.

She hasn't seen any of the images yet, but I took what I thought was one of the "better" of the car images and edited it just so she could get an idea of what it would look like when I was done with whichever other's she wanted.


Is there anything you think I should do differently with this POS in post to attempt to make it a little LESS of a POS? :lol:

EDITED VERSION (Flickr killed it with over-sharpening... but you get the idea... I think):


ORIGINAL (Those of you with a weak stomach, I recommend you overt your eyes, 'lest the terrible lighting and exposure cause you to vomit... ):

Thoughts? Recommendations? Verbal lashings?

Thanks. :hug::
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With all the trees this must have been taken in a very nice trailer park.

I would try darkening the trees, fixing the asphalt and the car shadowing.

But not much joy in this, I think.
With all the trees this must have been taken in a very nice trailer park.

I'm not...... really sure what you're implying there... :lol:

I've had 2 glasses of wine as I was PMSing with irrational rage earlier.

Self-medicating is fun. :lmao:

I would try darkening the trees, fixing the asphalt and the car shadowing.

But not much joy in this, I think.

Not much joy indeed.

The indoor shots were much better, IMO... these car images are going to effing haunt me forever. :er: DEFINITELY not going in my port. :lol:

I'm not even really sure where to START with the car shadowing................ any suggestions for that?
Fill flash or reflector would help with the darkened eyes...

I had a reflector... the sun was just brutal.

And while I'm thankful you took the time to answer... I'm not asking how I should have shot it... I know how I should have shot it in hindsight, haha... I need to know what the hell to do with it NOW... :confused:
I'm not even really sure where to START with the car shadowing................ any suggestions for that?

A luminance mask is what I would go to start.

or just reshoot the damn thing with her draped over the hood and get rid of the awkward 'hey, big boy, you got 2 dolla, me love you long time' pose.
Clone out the dark spot on the hood.
I don't think you can do much for the windshield.

If you are really ambitious ... cut out just the car (and if you really have to, the woman) and drop it on a better background.
I'm not even really sure where to START with the car shadowing................ any suggestions for that?

A luminance mask is what I would go to start.

or just reshoot the damn thing with her draped over the hood and get rid of the awkward 'hey, big boy, you got 2 dolla, me love you long time' pose.

Thanks for the link. I'll check that out. :sillysmi:

As for the posing... ANYTHING I tried looked like that to me. I have ones of her draped over the hood... it just all looks like trash to me.

S'why I avoid "car models" that want to shoot with me. Unless I'm getting paid... I'm staying FAR far f**king away from that ****, cause I have ZERO use for this stuff in my portfolio. It's not where I want to go with what I do. I just don't know any way to make that look GOOD. :lol:

Like I said... this car **** was WAY out of my forte. The stuff we did in the house I like MUCH better and was MUCH more in my league. Haha.

The type of personality she is, I have a feeling she'll be fine with this, but *I'M* not fine with it. THAT'S the biggest issue. :shock:

If you are really ambitious ... cut out just the car (and if you really have to, the woman) and drop it on a better background.

WHAT better backdrop? :lol:
I would clone the tree out that is directly behind her. Maybe even do a pp blue (I know, I know) on the background? Also fix the dark spot just above her crotch on her outfit.
Maybe even do a pp blue (I know, I know) on the background?

Do a who what?

Also fix the dark spot just above her crotch on her outfit.

THAT... has been driving me mothereffing CRAZY for HOURS now.

I can't figure out a good way to get rid of it without discoloring the area. Any suggestions?

::jumps off balcony::
There were no spots around with no shadows? That lighting is a killer. I think maybe u can pull it off with serious PP-ing...but might be a reshoot IMO
There were no spots around with no shadows? That lighting is a killer. I think maybe u can pull it off with serious PP-ing...but might be a reshoot IMO

There WAS. That's what's killing me. I wanted to move the car so that I could utilize it, but she didn't know where his keys were. :banghead:
e.rose said:
There WAS. That's what's killing me. I wanted to move the car so that I could utilize it, but she didn't know where his keys were. :banghead:

Ahh...I see.....sounds like a nightmare....LOL
e.rose said:
There WAS. That's what's killing me. I wanted to move the car so that I could utilize it, but she didn't know where his keys were. :banghead:

Ahh...I see.....sounds like a nightmare....LOL

THAT PART... was. :lol:

THE REST... went smoothly.

F**king cars. :lol:

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