How's this photo? C and C!


TPF Noob!
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
This is a photo I snapped yesterday. Please provide your comments and criticisms.

Note - the bottom picture is the original RAW file, top image is adjusted in Photoshop.


It is ok. I'm not a sewing girl so I'm not sure if this is meaningful if I knew what I was looking at, sewing wise?
C&C per req:

First, just so we're clear, the bottom one is not the original RAW file, it may be an unedited .jpg but it is not a RAW file. As mentioned the WB is much too cold (blue) in the edit, but the light from the sewing maching is far too orange/yellow in the bottom one. This is a cute idea, but it needs proper lighting. I would suggest moving things so that you don't have a bright window in the background, and then lighting with one or two speedlights; one low and left, one eye-level and right. As well, for future reference, try and ensure that you're level and square to the subject to avoid perspective distortion.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.


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