I found some eagles and struggled today


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Mar 24, 2012
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Old Saybrook, CT
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I went out this morning with a heavy heart. My dog of 14 years was having troubles with her hind legs. I managed to find 7 eagles, but I feel my attempt was somewhat lackluster as I missed focus often and blew highlights. When I got home she could no longer walk. The Vet said she had a blood clot in her spine and we had to put her to sleep :( Anyways, I figured I would share for the eagle fans and in memory of my beloved Beluga Jane.

Eagle 1/8 2 by krisinct, on Flickr

Eagle 1/8 3 by krisinct, on Flickr

Juvenile Eagle 1/8 1 by krisinct, on Flickr

Eagle 1/8 4 by krisinct, on Flickr

RIP my dear friend

I will miss you Beluga by krisinct, on Flickr
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I'm really sorry to hear about you loss my friend. I know the feeling of loss like that. My wife and I had to make a similar decision like that about a year ago. I hated it. :(
Thanks Shefjr! My heart is very heavy. At least she wasn't in pain, but she could no longer walk. It is a very sad thing that we must go through in life...
Sorry about your loss, that is a tough one. I'm sure there are a ton of good memories you will hold on to.
It was cancer for me. We took her in thinking she had a chest type of congestion (trouble breathing). When they told us it was cancer and it was in 90% of her lungs we were shocked. She was only five. We were told to put her down and there was no chance to do anything but prolong a her life for a couple months and that it would be painful for her. That was the first time I ever had to make that choice. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried like a baby. Even throughout the week anytime I would think of her I would tear up.
It is one of the truly difficult things that we must endure in life.
Hang in there.
Awww, man, I am sorry to hear such bad news. That's a long-time friend gone... May her memory soar forever more, on the wings of eagles.
Condolences -- hope you have someone with you to help and share.

CC, sorry to hear about your friend, but you have the eagle pictures of your last trip together to remind you of her. Memories really never fade.

Man I am sorry bud. My condolences.
Sorry to hear about your dog, It's crazy how we get attached to these animals.
On this photo your dog looks very lively and intelligent.
I love your eagle series!
Kris, I'm so sorry to hear that! Losing a pet is really tough, especially when you've had them for so long. One of my two 15-year-old cats died this past year after a series of little strokes that left her unable to meow or walk well, so I can truly empathize with your loss.

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