Incoming Noob


TPF Noob!
Aug 12, 2008
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Hey guys, I'm pretty new in photography. I have always had a high interest in photography for a long time and took pictures occasionally with my other digital cameras. I hope to learn a lot here

Here are some of my really old pics that I took with lower quality cameras. Not that great quality.




Tips and Advice are welcome! please
hahaha... I like the second shot. Technically it's kinda "just ok", but it's a clever setup. Made me laugh. Very nice.
Nice work. I think #1 could stand to be a bit brighter; when shooting this kind of image, always make a number of exposures from way too dark to way too bright as you can't really rely on either the histogram or viewing the image on the camera to accurately judge the exposure. I very much like #2, I think perhaps the focus should be on the paper and the can softer... In #3, the image is overall too soft, and there are way too many distracting background elements. Generally try and shoot into the bloom and compose so that they fill the frame more fully.
Just my $00.02 worth - your milage may vary.

Stick around the forums and i am sure you will be able to learn a lot and advance your interest in photography. i haven't been here for too long and already i have learned alot.

As for your pictures:
In the first one it seems to me that it is underexposed and could be brighter For the second I really love the idea and concept of this photography. it is indeed very cleaver. And the third the focus is really soft so a lot of things are distracting from the main subject.
i like the second one...are u located in houston?
I think my favorite out of this series is the first one, the night shot. It is a tad dark I'd say, but it's a nice POV and overall a really cool picture. I like how the water kind of leads your eyes up and back through the picture.

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