Is it artistic or is it just offensive?

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TPF Noob!
Dec 15, 2008
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I shot this pic today. I had this old arm band for 20 some years, it was a trophy brought home by a relative from WWII. I was trying to do something creative with it, but then after shooting I thought perhaps the symbol was too offensive and wouldn't be seen as artistic.


What are your thoughts? Art or over the top (or crumby picture)?
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Its displaying the might of the Nazi system - that is what I read whilst looking at it. I am young enough and not of german decent (nor am I a politician) so this shot really has no shock value to me; however I can well understand and respect that many people might find it offensive and insulting to them. Germany wants to put it all behind them and there are still many people alive who grew up during or just after wartimes - maybe in another 50-100 years images like this will just be like any other image, say of Romans (reenactment) and have no effect on people - it all depends.
As of now I would be cautious of such images (worst case is some nazi cult takes up the image!!)
Yeah, you pretty much nailed the concept behind the picture. I guess I accomplished that much. :)

I can understand why people are offended too.
Sometimes we either have to take a risk with showing an image - or accept that some images we make might never see the public eye - or just get a famous name so that whatever we do we can't do wrong ;)
i personally like it, it sends a powerful message. but again the meaning has no direct affect on me personally, but i can empathize. i think it is very well done.
My view, from a technical standpoint, it's a good shot.

But having studied the horrors and atrocities that took place under the Nazi regime in Germany, I think anything that casts such fascism in a good light will always make me cringe (that, and two of my grandparents, now deceased, very narrowly survived WWII; one fought in a resistance, another escaped from forced service with the Nazis and joined the French and knowing that underlines for me how random and improbable my existence is.).

The fact that the armband is on someone whom is black, while interesting as an odd contrast, throws it well over the top for me.
Both of my grandparents are Jews. Both were in concentration camps and lost all of their family. So for me, this makes me sick to my stomach. Totally offensive from my view.
since this logo was only adopted by the nazi party i personally feel this image is fine, this logo was infact of chinese decent then hitler adapted it (or atleast thats what i think... im about 90% sure it is)
and considering it is a black male... or a tanned male (sorry if its not a black male and sorry for making that sound like a bad thing :p)
i think it cancels out is meaning related to nazi wartimes being a black man who is wearing it as part of the logo when it was symbolized for the nazi's was also to prevent black people from living in germany too (im about 35% sure of this)
sorry if any of this info is incorrect, i never took history in school =]
but i personally feel it is a great image

)image looks like a light skinned black man, however may be hispanic or just tanned so sorry if i mis-racail classed the model
My dad spent the best part of five years overseas in the Canadian army during WWII & came home with a Nazi flag from atop a HQ in Holland. He came home & saw me for the first time just short of my fourth birthday.

Do I find it offensive? No.
Do I think others might find it offensive? Yes.

I do find it an expression of power. However, power gone bad.
The guy posing is a white guy, of German decent. He's just really tan.

This is him.

I like the image and do not find it offensive. It is a symbol used in our histroy...good and/or bad, it is still part of our history as humans, as is the Confederate flag. I may not particulary care how it used on occasion, we are still a country of free speech.

I believe that offensiveness is more base on an individual perception of how the symbol is portrayed. A skinhead with a swastika tattooed on his head is offensive to me, but a good photograph of that same skinhead can be a great piece of art.
Does this mean that something that is offensive cannot be artistic??

According the the Rules of Photography Handbook, article 358, section 6b states that "If and when a photo offends one or more viewers, the photo will be deemed unacceptable as a work of art and should be removed from any sources which claim it to be "art"".
I like it - looks good. It doesn't offend me either.

And, no - although I have a shaved head, I am not a skinhead (you wouldn't believe how many people assume that).
Wait. There's a rulebook?

I am not particular bothered by the image, but I have seen plenty of shock value "art" in my day.
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