Major new upcoming forum event - all read!

I have written 10 articles and 15 guides on my site and would be happy to share some of them here. If you'd like to use any of them let me know. The guides provide practical information whereas the articles focus more on getting people to take the emphasis off of their cameras and becoming self reliant, understanding light and how to solve problem lighting, and getting more creative.

checked this guys page out. the articles are WELL written, and contain good supporting pics when needed. I wholeheartedly recommend this site take him up on his offer.!
Can I change mine to "How to be hilarious and seduce women on the internet"?
This is such a good idea!! Can we do this on a monthly basis??

I've got multiple ideas in mind but as Fashion week starts here in New York this Thursday I won't have any time available to write until later this month.
How lengthy an article are we talking here? this is starting to sound like a good bit of work. Maybe a blurb and/or photo to share would get some good discussions going, it takes time to write and proofread/edit an article.
W.Y. if we get enough it can certainly run into next month and how well it does and how eager people are will determine how many more times and how often we do it :)

Vintage - well I'm thinking more an article than just a blurb. There's no real set length, the key is promoting the creation and discussion aspects. You can certainly do something long or short.
Well I'm very eager. Sign me up as writing on my method's of lighting large scenes with little to no gear

If I'm not done by the time you're ready to start publishing them there is no need to wait for me though. I'm used to being last in line anyways.. My last name starts with a Y. :icon_thumright:

EDIT: You can call it "Lighting Large Scenes with Limited Gear"
Added those of you who have shown interest (if I've missed anyone just shout out) and always more space for more to join in!

Must say I'm really pleased to see so many willing to step up and write for this :)
Remember it hasn't got to be a lesson; you can talk about projects that you've done as well or trips. So even if you're not as technically minded (or artistically in terms of compositional theory knowledge) you can still talk at length and depth about things you've done
Is there a certain format we should keep in mind while composing? Will we be posting as usual in a thread? Sharing a PDF? Im just trying to figure out where/how to add in the photos......
Format is really however you want, though I'd expect most are making it a forum post so that things stay forum side. PDFs and such are a bit iffy as some don't like downloading and its kind of taking action/focus off the site.

You can put me down for a tutorial on this photo
View attachment 94897
Count me out, wouldn't want any of my shots to look like that

I'm expecting a FULL essay on shooting Leica film from you Gary!!

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