Model bailed on me 30 mins before shoot! Had to do a selfie instead!

I think Light's point is, he can't allow others having a different opinion from his.

All I can do is laugh at this little spin.

I mean dude, seriously : " Anyways, I like it because I can already picture what the rest of the body was doing, without it being in the photograph."

Admit it. You were being funny, right?

Hmmm......since you already pictured it, " What was the rest of the body doing?
Dear all,

Thank you for your comments. I didnt realise it would spark a critique debate!! But it makes very interesting reading.

What is abundantly clear is that you are all very passionate about your photography and you know why you like what you like. That is great as it means you have direction with your work and you will keep striving to make better images.

Regarding my photog, I split my time between film and digital. I love both disciplines as with film I am learning classic photography and with digital I have the freedom to create without boundaries. I am not sure I could compare my Rolleicord work with digital composities as the work is so different. For me both are fun in the goofing around sense, but also both are serious as I am looking for a pleasing outcome (and I hate wasting film!).

I posted the photo because it was my most recent shot, not because I thought it was my greatest work. I am not looking to raise peoples perceptions of my skills, rather that they can gain a genuine understanding about where I am with my photography.

Ultimately, the critique discussion that has no ending as everyone interprets an image differently and achieves enjoyment from different traits. What is great about critique is that I can see my shot from the point of view of someone else and be challenged and hopefully broaden my viewpoint and photography vision.

Regarding the DOF comments, the shot was F4 and ISO800. The ISO grain may make the background less defined. Also, I edited my body as a separate layer, so the subject has a different saturation and contrast to the background to make the subject more prominent. This would defo mess with the perspective.

Regarding the comment about what the poorly cropped subject adds to the photo; I believe the subject IS the photo. It creates narrative. Without it the image would be a landscape shot. Also, I jumped too high!! But that adds to the charm for me.

For those interested here is the original image pre-edit. This is my true photography skill laid bare:


Comments and Criticism welcome ;)
I try to stay away from the dram dram. But I feel compelled to provide my two cents, and that'll be it.

Anyways, I like it because I can already picture what the rest of the body was doing, without it being in the photograph."
Why do you find this to be such a dumb statement, Lightspeed? I too instinctively "saw" what the top half of the body was doing in my head. No one is going to have the same ideal in his/her head, which is the fun of it; it's kind of a mystery to work out yourself.

I have never addressed you specifically, but I have to say it seems like you cause more of a disruption to the forums than add to them. Sure, there have always been groups of people that are friendly and familiar with one another (as you call them, "cliques"), but I can remember a time (specifically, before you started flooding the boards with this crap) when these debates and childish arguments were minimal.

My mother used to have some expression about how when one person seems to have issues with almost everyone, chances are that person is the problem. Food for thought.
Also, OP - I dig the photo. I also think it's cool that you didn't let that flake of a model ruin your shoot.

Thanks for showing the set up, I was scratching my head trying to figure it out!
My mother used to have some expression about how when one person seems to have issues with almost everyone, chances are that person is the problem. Food for thought.
Love it. I don't think I have seen a photo on here get a grade of 100% A+ yet. There is ALWAYS something wrong with it. I personally like the photo, however, that looked dangerous that you had a home made "balance beam." I always relate photo's to something....this reminded me of Edward from Twilight going out to hunt....and I am not saying that to be rude because I already said I liked the photo. We all have opinions and ya know what they say about opinions....just like a$$holes....we've all got one.
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ya know what they say about opinions....just like a$$holes....we've all got one.

Hahaha my gym teacher used to use that one in middle school. He'd add, "And they all stink!" to the end.

ETA: You're right about the Twilight thing (I too mean this as a compliment). Always wowed by the color in the field/woods scenes in those movies.
Nicely made lemonade.

Do you often carry a couple of sawhorses and a plank on your shoots? :biggrin:
This coming from someone who jumped on a bandwagon , harping about drama queens.
I think I've made my point fairly clear with regard to the silly critique. If you feel you've been singled out, you might want to read above.
No need to delve into that any further.

The picture is about an alternate place someone has found? What?
Are we talking different dimensions in time and space now?
Jeez. It gets better.

Rose , just don't argue with her. It's pointless.
Yes Bossy, you're above Rose. I mean suggesting that she read a book. How benevolent of you.
You're obviously a professional photographer , making your living with a camera, and far be it from me or anyone else to challenge
your complete and absolute knowledge of photography. I bow before you and ask forgiveness , for ever mentioning the term " critique."
I know now that I'm not fit to stand in the same room with such photographic prowess.
Please accept my apologies for ever doubting you.
I think I speak for all when I say, " Just having you around makes us better photographers.
Thank you Bossy, from all of us, to you. We couldn't have done it without you dear.

You're welcome :) I'm happy to be here :sexywink:
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