

TPF Noob!
Aug 1, 2005
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Can others edit my Photos
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my first gig... I took some pictures of a play my friend was directing and i got into the dress rehersal and i could pretty much walk around the set as I pleased and get as close to the stage as i wanted and not have to worry about getting in other peoples ways.

The play was called Mud, by maria fornes


What a neat experience. From the one time I have shot a play, it is much more difficult then it looks, so you did a wonderful job. Especially with the first where you can see emotion and the costumes.

I would be tempted to say that you need to turn the 'temperature' down or colour balance to remove the excess yellow/orange light given by the stage lights. Of course you wouldn't want to entirely or else you would loose that on-stage feel, but toning it down might work.
Oh, these are nice ... yes, I was thinking they are a bit yellow from the stage lights, but doesn't this lighting strongly suggest "stage"? I am not sure... I quite like what you got here.

We are rehearsing a piece of music that is going to be put on a stage like an opera (for the first time in the work of my choir) - it is, in fact, an oratorio by George Frederic Händel - and I would LOVE to take the stage photos during the dress rehearsal, but I might not be able to do so since I will either have to be in the choir myself OR be at the side of the director since I am the director's assistent for this endeavour (performance will be on 25 November). A pity ... now as I am seeing your photos I would LOVE to do some stage photography of that piece myself!!!
thanks alot, I actually shot around 200 pictures and got maybe 6-7 good ones. (The lighting was near impossible)

I thought i had removed the color cast in photoshop but i looked at these on a different monitor and yes, they do appear yellow.
I'll try and fix that later
did you try to white balance your camera? or where a variety of different sorts of lighting?

Anyways, those are cool. He looks nice and lecherous in that first pic. haha

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