Nikon D7100 24.1 Mp Digital Camera - Black with 18-300 lens


TPF Noob!
Apr 29, 2017
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I have a nikon D7100 + 18-300mm lens with bill that I am looking to sell.
It is not older than 3 months and has a bill too!
The only reason I am selling it so soon is because I decided to buy Canon mark 4.
It will come with all the accessories that were available with the camera + an extra battery.
I am willing to sell it for -/90000.
Please contact me if interested on 7227859218
WhatsApp Image 2017-04-27 at 5.18.18 PM.webp
WhatsApp Image 2017-04-27 at 5.18.05 PM (1).webp
WhatsApp Image 2017-04-27 at 5.18.04 PM.webp
WhatsApp Image 2017-04-27 at 5.18.07 PM.webp
I think your tad high at $90,000
I think we can assume that the OP is not in North America.

OP: It would help you greatly to list your country of origin, currency (and equiv in US$) and your shipping.
What's the conversion to dollars?
Thank you. If you put a dollar sign ($) in front of the amount it clears everything up.

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