On Independent Film Set - C&C


TPF Noob!
Dec 7, 2011
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Las Vegas
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
These pics were taken on the set of an independent film I'm currently executive producing and directing. I'd like some C&C on the framing because there isn't much I can do about the lighting and posing since it was not a photo shoot. I needed BTS photos so I figured it would be a good time to work on my framing. Also, I have not done any cropping or color correction. These are fresh out of the camera. Thanks in advance.

bts1 by etnad0

bts2 by etnad0

bts3 by etnad0

bts4 by etnad0
The issue(s) I see with the framing are that in all cases, but especially in #s 1 & 3 the subject is crowded way too far to the edge of the image. Consider shooting wider (if possible) or cropping to put the subject in a more conventional position within the image. With respect to the lighting, consider using an on-camera, bounced speedlight to provide additional light when required.
The issue(s) I see with the framing are that in all cases, but especially in #s 1 & 3 the subject is crowded way too far to the edge of the image. Consider shooting wider (if possible) or cropping to put the subject in a more conventional position within the image. With respect to the lighting, consider using an on-camera, bounced speedlight to provide additional light when required.

Thanks. Room is kinda limited on set with wires, people, tables, etc. I think I was using my 50mm 1.8 for this and I was out of room to maneuver without getting equipment or other people in the shots.

The speedlight is not an option since I can't shoot off a flash during filming.
framing alone...

in 1. she's looking out of the edge of the photo, instead of looking into the frame. she's awfully close to the edge too. with one eye closed. and her arm becomes part of the cabinet.

in 2. the top of his head is cut off and he has a rolling pin growing from his shoulder.

in 3. her hair blends in with her shirt, and whatever appliance is behind her. and its cut off on the side.

in 4. i feel like the cameraman was the focus, and the goofball is background. so i would have liked more of him. his neck, shoulders, arms, etc.. as it is, we just have arbitary limbs floating in mid air operating a camera because the connecting points are cut off.

but you are director. so you were probably yelling cut a lot. ;)
..... film I'm currently executive producing and directing......there isn't much I can do about the lighting ...........

you're the director man, you can do WHATEVER YOU WANT !!! :D

LOL. Technically yes, but it doesn't help the project to readjust the lighting for photos. We are already shooting 8-12 hours per day and I'm sure the cast wouldn't appreciate it.
You need a lot wider lens to do PJ in a room like that. I think thats what you were trying to do right? Photo journalism? With a crop sensor probably a 24mm or wider
..... film I'm currently executive producing and directing......there isn't much I can do about the lighting ...........

you're the director man, you can do WHATEVER YOU WANT !!! :D

LOL. Technically yes, but it doesn't help the project to readjust the lighting for photos. We are already shooting 8-12 hours per day and I'm sure the cast wouldn't appreciate it.

throw a few bottles of rum on the craft services table, and they'll let you do anything you want.
framing alone...

in 1. she's looking out of the edge of the photo, instead of looking into the frame. she's awfully close to the edge too. with one eye closed. and her arm becomes part of the cabinet.

Thanks. As far as the eye closed, they're both actually open, but she's half Asian. LOL. Seriously so sometimes her eyes look like they even when open. Compare it to #3. I'll make sure to pay more attention to skin tones in the future so they don't blend into the background. Great advice.

in 2. the top of his head is cut off and he has a rolling pin growing from his shoulder.

That's a shovel which I wish I had room to get in the shot. The full set up looked awesome. I'll definitely pay more attention to the tops of heads.

in 3. her hair blends in with her shirt, and whatever appliance is behind her. and its cut off on the side.

That's a fridge and point taken.

in 4. i feel like the cameraman was the focus, and the goofball is background. so i would have liked more of him. his neck, shoulders, arms, etc.. as it is, we just have arbitary limbs floating in mid air operating a camera because the connecting points are cut off.

The cameraman was the focus until the "goofball" in the back broke character for the picture LOL. Cameraman also had people on the other side I didn't want in. I'll keep all of this stuff in mind for photo shoots and while I'm doing BTS. Luckily for me the people that will be seeing these are more interested in what's going on than the actual framing, etc.

but you are director. so you were probably yelling cut a lot. ;)

LOL. A lot. The process is fun though. Get to practice all of my creative passions on a project like this (film, writing, photography).
You need a lot wider lens to do PJ in a room like that. I think thats what you were trying to do right? Photo journalism? With a crop sensor probably a 24mm or wider

I agree about the lens. I had my kit lens, but we were using my camera for most of the filming, so 99% of the time the 50mm was on. These were taken toward the end when the cameraman you see in the pics was getting the dolly shots in.

As far as PJ, not necessarily, but maybe. Not sure if BTS photos qualify as PJ or not. If so then yes.

Also keep in mind that there are things and people all over the place, so sometimes even with a wider lens I would have to cut out what I didn't want in the shot, so I figured it would be easier to "crop" with camera positioning.

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