Product photography background - suggestions?


TPF Noob!
Jan 21, 2017
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Hi everyone,

I'm seeking to re-create the background shown in the two photos below.

View attachment 134586 View attachment 134585

Obviously they are just shoes laid out on a concrete floor. However, unfortunately I don't have any indoor concrete floors at my home or work space.

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to recreate this effect? I've had a look around and can't really seem to find anywhere that sells the same kind of thing. Found some concrete patio slabs which have too much decoration/effects etc.

This plain concrete background really looks great for fashion photography product photos - especially menswear.

Thanks in advance!

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Make a form and pour your own? There's lots of options in vinyl flooring that look very similar to concrete, or you can go for a digital background and composite the product on to it.
Lots of options in vinyl flooring. Just picked up (4) 18x18 vinyl peel and stick floor tile that look very much like Travertine, for less than $15, but there's a lot of other options also. Test shots this evening look good.

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