

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 21, 2013
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Bailey, Colorado
Can others edit my Photos
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I won't lie, I am pretty happy with how this shoot from yesterday turned out. I exceeded my goal of 15 "keepers" by 7 and my friend seems extremely pleased with the results.

The lighting at 10 am here was pretty terrible, but I was able to find a few spots to make it work. I would love opinions on the classic "black and white or color" debate for number 3.

Here is the link to the album if anyone is interested in browsing the rest.

C&C is as usual, appreciated.






I'll say B&W.
#4 is the win for me ... First the unexpected shape and curve of the composition is pleasing to me, second she is a very beautiful woman, and finally I just like this style of blown out wrap around lighting that reflects on and glows at the edges of the subject.
#4 is the win for me ... First the unexpected shape and curve of the composition is pleasing to me, second she is a very beautiful woman, and finally I just like this style of blown out wrap around lighting that reflects on and glows at the edges of the subject.
thank you! I really love backlighting for maternity for some reason.

On a related note: Ana Brandt just liked number 4 on the maternity group on Facebook! (Ana Brandt= a senior famous maternity photographer who hosts classes for maternity and babies on creative live) I'm pretty excited.
Very nice Jazzie; some of your best work that we've seen I think. Really nice use of ambient light in the out-door images! A few minor nits (and bear in mind, I'm a guy, with no children and one (done under great duress) materinity shoot to his "credit"):

1. Focus, lighting, exposure? Nailed 'em! I'm just not super-fussed about about the pose and the way her right hand disappears; I think if she'd been leaning back a bit more, this would have worked even better.

2. Again, technical stuff is spot on. This may be a purely personal thing, but I find the hand-on-the-buttock pose always looks to me like she's trying to push her pelvis forward. I think too, turning her body slightly (very slightly) toward the camera might have helped.

3 & 4 are absolutely excellent, and honestly I can't choose a preference between colour and mono. The only minor nit I can find is that the highlights on her belly seem just a shade too hot, but only a shade.

5. Excellent.

6. Excellent, again VERY minor nit, the white of her garment is blending in a bit with the white of the background. I think some very careful and gentle work with burn, dodge, and maybe levels would fix that right up.

You should be happy; that's a great set, and I've seen people a pay lot of money for images that don't come near to approaching those in quality.

Well done!
@tirediron thanks so much for the thoughtful c&c! for one and two, not to make excuses but... She was on a very slanted rock in cowboy boots (not the greatest grip) to be in the good light.... She was the only way she could without falling or slipping down. I was surprised she even agreed to go up there.... I was standing on another pointy rock a ways away trying to be far enough away for my 150 lens and get tall enough to not be shooting up at her! I do have one without her hand on her back, but I liked her smile better here. She received both.

As for the whites blending-it looks "just right" on my screen but.... My Uncalibrated monitor makes my judgement hazy. Maybe for Christmas Santa will bring me something to fix that!
Shots 4 and 5 are really good. My favorite is #5, just for the perfect wardrobe, and how different it is from the typical maternity shoot clothing. I also really like the strongly backlit lighting scheme used in #5. I prefer the totally blank background in #4, but the color #3 version is good too.

EDIT: You've numbered these in a wonky way #3 is actually 3-in color and also #3-B&W......looking at the way they are actually numbered, I liked #3 B&W, and #4, but did not actually like #5, which is the last shot, or the sixth photo shown. It would probably be a good idea to give an individual number each photo, and not have two images sharing a number.
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Shots 4 and 5 are really good. My favorite is #5, just for the perfect wardrobe, and how different it is from the typical maternity shoot clothing. I also really like the strongly backlit lighting scheme used in #5. I prefer the totally blank background in #4, but the color #3 version is good too.
Thanks Derrel! I added the texture to the color version in post, just wanted to play with something new!
I like #4 the best, but these are all really wonderful photos. I bet she loves them!!! :)
Very nice. I just love #4. Woman are just so beautiful in all shapes, ages and sizes. Your photos nail it.

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Time of day considered I think you did quite well working with the light outdoors! I love her dress. That color is really beautiful on her. For the color/bw debate of 3 I think I like the color.. except something feels funny with the skin tones on her face in it and I can't quite pinpoint it.. but I do like the color best overall I think.

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