Shutterfly Prints?


TPF Noob!
Jan 4, 2014
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United States
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I do the my coke rewards and they have a free 8x10 for a certain amount of points. I just wanted to know how good their quality was for the prints? Is it better then somewhere like Walmart or Walgreen's? Oh by the way I'm printing e-mailed pictures that a friend took with their DSLR.
Shutterfly's quality is OK but they are a very high volume, consumer grade print lab.

But, Shutterfly only supplies the paper and ink.
You have to supply the photo that will get printed, and there are many things that need to be considered, and/or prep work done to a digital photo before it is sent off to the print lab if you want a quality print.
To be honest, shutterfly is my least favorite consumer lab. CostCo and Walgreen's do a much better job for around the same cost. The one time I got a bad print at Walgreen's, they reprinted on the spot without question or charge. Second print was fine.
My costco is good. Walgreens for me look off. Saturated with poor colors. I'm sure it's location dependent.
To be honest, shutterfly is my least favorite consumer lab. CostCo and Walgreen's do a much better job for around the same cost. The one time I got a bad print at Walgreen's, they reprinted on the spot without question or charge. Second print was fine.

That's actually where I ended up going. I've gotten prints a Walmart before, I mean they are decent but the ones from Walgreen's came out so much better.
I use shutterfly for my albums and love their variety of templates and setups - they print the books really professionally as well (nice paper edges, straight lines, well bound).

Their prints, however - it seems they "colour correct" even when you check off the box that you don't want them to, and I haven't been happy with about 50% of the ones I've gotten (I only print with them when I have "free prints" and it's usually shots of the kids for the grandmothers).

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