Some toys I am too old to play with


TPF junkie!
May 10, 2007
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Slapamonkey, New York
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Die-cast collectables, boredom shots from some time ago, not much thought to them but ...





Just thought I would share
Yeah I liked the pink one too, when I saw them I only had the money to get just one of them and that was the one I grabbed. Oddly enough my brother got me the other one not long later as a birthday I have'em both :lol:
nice shots!! macro lens?

Negitive, I think it was my FD 50mm kit lens, I took them a wile ago and had them sitting in researve for a dry spell due to the nature of having taken them out of shear bordom. I'll check the log book to be sure in a minuet or two.
Negitive, I think it was my FD 50mm kit lens, I took them a wile ago and had them sitting in researve for a dry spell due to the nature of having taken them out of shear bordom. I'll check the log book to be sure in a minuet or two.

log book huh? i should think about using one of those. did you make that yourself or are they available somewhere?
You're never too old to play with toys.....:sexywink:

I love trying for perpesctive shots with models and scales. Here's one with a 1/18th scale F1 car from a few years back.

log book huh? i should think about using one of those. did you make that yourself or are they available somewhere?

I use the little composition notebooks that are readilly available


One roll of film takes up two pages, I keep minimal information for each shot, I keep as little as possible so to try to prevent putting it off and forgetting.

Film speed______________________________Sendout Envelope#

Frame# - F/Stop - Shutter speed - Misc (lens, filter, bellows, mirror locked...ect)

1 - f/16 - 1/250 - 50mm 1.4
2 - f/22 - 1/500 - 135mm 2.8 (slylight)

And so of and so forth.

I guess it qualifies as making my own :D

Unfortunately, this roll of film dose not look like I logged the envelope number......I forget that some times when turning several rolls of film......I am not sure what pages it belongs to.
thanks for the info. i am going to start doing that as well.

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