TPF Noob!
Don't lie, or I'll.......:er: have to think about what to do.
What's your real first name?
What state/province are you in?
Do you drink milk?
Do you know that milk has pus in it?
Would you STILL drink milk after hearing that?
What is your opinon of sushi?
Are you married?
Kids? How many/how old?
When you pick your nose (and I know you do) where do you put the booger?
Vanilla, or chocolate?
M*A*S*H* or Happy Days?
Favorite TV show of all time?
Favorite book?
How old are you?
How old are you REALLY?
What is your favorite musical artist/genre of music?

What's your real first name?
What state/province are you in?
Do you drink milk?
Do you know that milk has pus in it?
Would you STILL drink milk after hearing that?
What is your opinon of sushi?
Are you married?
Kids? How many/how old?
When you pick your nose (and I know you do) where do you put the booger?
Vanilla, or chocolate?
M*A*S*H* or Happy Days?
Favorite TV show of all time?
Favorite book?
How old are you?
How old are you REALLY?
What is your favorite musical artist/genre of music?