Suggestions selling Nikon D60


TPF Noob!
Apr 15, 2017
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Taking suggestions how much to sell for and where. The dad is wanting to get rid of his d60 bundle. Equipment all in very good condition.
Pictures of all included in package
Sell it right here on TPF!!! Set a price for the items, either individually, or as a total package, or split the flash off from the body and lens.
Sell it right here on TPF!!! Set a price for the items, either individually, or as a total package, or split the flash off from the body and lens.
I was thinking packaging everything together keeping it simple for $250. Is that an ideal price you think for everything and the age of this model?
It will be harder to sell as a package, which is why Derrel suggesting offering the SB-700 flash unit separately from the camera and lens.

The Neewer UV and FLD filters are basically low quality junk.
You can include them with the camera but they don't mush if any to the value.
I'm not sure about the Neewer closeup filters, but I suspect they too are of low quality.

TPF's Buy & Sell forum is certainly a place you could offer the camera.
Be aware that the D60, discontinued in early 2009, is an entry-level consumer grade camera doesn't have a lot going for it.
The 2 lenses you have are also previous versions of current offer entry-level consumer grade kit lenses.

You could ask for $250, but you'll likely wind up at a selling price, if it all sells, of about $200.
The camera body with battery and charger and with a 6 mo warranty goes for $109. from MPB.COM
Used Nikon D60 Digital SLR Camera -
So I wouldn't ask more than $75.00 without any warranty.
The 18-55 3.5-5.6 goes for $59.00 with 6 mo warranty
Used Nikon AF-P 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G DX
The 55-200 goes for goes for the same $54.00 with 6 mo warranty
you get the picture. From this sight and from KEH.COM you can see what this equipment is going for with a 6 month warrantee. So, you can take these prices and adjust your prices accordingly.
So for the camera and the lenses that adds up to $188, close to the $200 I suggested would be the ultimate selling price - if selling the flash unit separately.
In fact I'm pretty sure the flash unit is going to be easier to sell than the camera and lenses and is worth $175 to $200 by itself.

At any rate you don't advertise the price your selling price, you advertise your asking price so you have room to negotiate to a selling price.
I liked my D60 when I started out with photography. It was a great camera, I think it was the only Nikon camera to have an unique sensor cleaning duct system. Haha. I think it used the same sensor from the D200 which was fantastic at the time.

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