Summoning the vintage lens gods


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Mar 9, 2014
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I found this thing today. There isn't much about it on the interwebs, and I ordered a mount for it, so I'll get to use it later this week. Does any know anything about this lens?

It's a Steinheil Munchen Culminar 135mm 2.8

"The 135 F2.8 Auto Tele-Quinar is an excellent midrange telephoto lens. It features a fully automatic diaphragm and stops down to f/32. The lens is rather heavy and focuses as close as 5' . An advantage with this lens is its' built-in tripod mount which provides for a more secure setup when using this lens on a tripod.

There were two versions of this lens, the earlier version is displayed on the left and has a chrome finish stopdown plunger housing whereas on the the latter, the housing is black. The lenses are displayed with their proper caps and one lens shade."

Captain Jacks Steinheil Lens Page

That's what I know.

This resource might help: Catalog of Steinheil München lenses.

You might want to make inquiries on a RF (range finder) camera forum.
"The 135 F2.8 Auto Tele-Quinar is an excellent midrange telephoto lens. It features a fully automatic diaphragm and stops down to f/32. The lens is rather heavy and focuses as close as 5' . An advantage with this lens is its' built-in tripod mount which provides for a more secure setup when using this lens on a tripod.

There were two versions of this lens, the earlier version is displayed on the left and has a chrome finish stopdown plunger housing whereas on the the latter, the housing is black. The lenses are displayed with their proper caps and one lens shade."

Captain Jacks Steinheil Lens Page

That's what I know.

This resource might help: Catalog of Steinheil München lenses.

Thanks, I found those, but the info is quite limited.

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