The Coffee House

Personally, I wouldn't get within kicking distance of a kangaroo. :eagerness:
I tried going old school by wearing a string of garlic around my neck, but every time I walk by the kitchen, I pop off a couple cloves and mince them.
Boston style.
Is this where I look up and say something stupid like .. what do you do if you can’t find a kangaroo in your town
Edit. Here I am at oo58 BST trying to think of a funny to reply.
Looks like I will stick to picking cat hair out of the carpet or counting the grains of sand in the concrete path
And with a manic laughter he signs off......
There will probably be more bad news later today but I have a few beers with my name on for later......
It's finally Saturday! With all that is going on, I thought work would slow down, but I have been slammed. :confused: I really need a day of no deadlines. Other than some light housework I think today will be a movie marathon day. :smug:
Did our running - we had to take the Honda up for a windshield. swing by the credit union and the P.O. Box. I figured, since we were in the area, we'd go by Wegman's. Nope, big ol' line waiting to get in; there's nothing we need that badly.
I have washed my hands so much, that I am probably peeing pure bleach.

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