The day the world turned upside down


TPF Noob!
Jan 21, 2007
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Berkeley, California
Can others edit my Photos
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Just thought it would be neat to do something like this, even though the picture isn't the greatest. I like the colors, I suppose.

It's interesting... almost looks like a reflection of the sky in some water.
My photo teacher always said it was interesting when you flipped photos :]
It looks to me like 1) the black part is a cliff over your head and you're above the clouds. or 2) the outline makes it seem like the mountains are actually the sky, so that they're mountains with trippy colors! idk if that made sense. Good job :)
So did you just turn this photo around?
Is it NOT a reflection on some water?
For that is what I first thought it was?
I have photos like that (i.e. reflections on very still water), and they kind of upset me any time I look at them, I KNOW that I photographed the objects upside down, and I KNOW I did so on purpose, yet, upon looking at the photos, I feel kind of disturbed, wanting to turn the pic. I did that: turned the reflection around, but that, too, looks funny ;).
To me, it seems right that way. It'd be a bit boring the "right way", but this way there's so much potential for stories.

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