This is why I'm fat.


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 8, 2010
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Minneapolis, MN
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Not good photos of food, rather photos of good food.

At the time of taking these snapshots, I was more interested in eating than I was of taking good photos. I just figured I would share the fruits of my labors during the Packer's victory yesterday with the good folks of this forum.

If anyone is offended by this much pork, My apologies.

(not really, I just though it sounded nice.)

Here is a before and after of the famed "Bacon Explosion". i made two of them yesterday, and they lasted all of 5 minutes. Luckily I was able to get a slice before they disappeared.

Here's the make.....

A weave of bacon. Yes, you heard correctly, a weave...

On top of that, a half inch layer of sausage. Any sausage will do.... I used (butchered the pig myself.:D video from the Nikon D7000) mixed 50/50 with fresh ground venison....

Then add 8 strips of bacon cooked to a crisp on top of that. Roll into a log and cook at 350 until the center is at 165.



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mmmmmmmmmmm BACON!

Nothing like a little pork wrapped pork! LOL
Why can't we get bacon from other animals?
been there done that just to see how it tasted... grilled mine though. was WAYYYY better than i thought it would be!!
I bake my bacon in the oven lol and I am a fan of turkey bacon as well but nothing beats good ole pork bacon. I only have it once in a while though. Much to my hubby's dismay.
Oooooh! Never saw that before!

You're only kidding youself.
No, I want a smorgasboard of different animal bacons to feast on.

No, no. Turkey bacon is trying to taste like bacon and be "healthier".
i think i'm the only person here that thinks bacon is nasty.:meh:
Yes. Yes you are.
Well, I think we all can agree that the worst is when things have that "fake bacon" flavor. :grumpy:

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