Vintage Cameras as Stress Relief


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 4, 2017
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Hi everyone. I'm new to the group and wanted to introduce myself. I self describe myself as an enthusiastic amateur photographer. I started young but was regularly discouraged. Then a few years ago a wrist injury made knitting difficult and painful, so I cast about for something to keep me from climbing the walls and discovered that I could hold a camera. I bought a Canon Rebel SL-1 and that was the first slip down the slope. I fell hard in love with LensBaby, especially with a macro converter because it can really make something mundane into an abstract that really makes the viewer think about what it is they're seeing.

I also really love collecting vintage cameras and shooting film. I seem to have a knack for finding really great deals at thrift stores and swapmeets and Craigslist. I look for cameras that I'm interested in, more than what "someone else" thinks is valuable. I'm infatuated with the Voigtlander Vitomatic line (I have 2 now). I inherited my grandfather's Canon F-1 (to go along with our shared love of photography). I've put a full list of my cameras (and some of my lenses) in my profile information.

When I'm not doing photography, I'm a graduate student furiously writing on my doctoral dissertation, I work full time, and I knit (I crocheted my niece a camera for her 3rd birthday :-P). Suffice to say, there is quite a bit of stress in my life. Lately I've noticed a dramatic uptic in my acquisition of vintage cameras, and yesterday I realized that I'm using it as a pressure release for the stress in the rest of my life. I'm mostly OK with that (it's better than doing drugs) but it is a bit expensive for the socioeconomic level I currently enjoy so I'm going to try and slow down for a bit. Hopefully having this forum to engage with will be a new (and cheaper) release valve. I hope to start sharing some of my images soon.
Hi everyone. I'm new to the group and wanted to introduce myself. I self describe myself as an enthusiastic amateur photographer. I started young but was regularly discouraged. Then a few years ago a wrist injury made knitting difficult and painful, so I cast about for something to keep me from climbing the walls and discovered that I could hold a camera. I bought a Canon Rebel SL-1 and that was the first slip down the slope. I fell hard in love with LensBaby, especially with a macro converter because it can really make something mundane into an abstract that really makes the viewer think about what it is they're seeing.

I also really love collecting vintage cameras and shooting film. I seem to have a knack for finding really great deals at thrift stores and swapmeets and Craigslist. I look for cameras that I'm interested in, more than what "someone else" thinks is valuable. I'm infatuated with the Voigtlander Vitomatic line (I have 2 now). I inherited my grandfather's Canon F-1 (to go along with our shared love of photography). I've put a full list of my cameras (and some of my lenses) in my profile information.

When I'm not doing photography, I'm a graduate student furiously writing on my doctoral dissertation, I work full time, and I knit (I crocheted my niece a camera for her 3rd birthday :-P). Suffice to say, there is quite a bit of stress in my life. Lately I've noticed a dramatic uptic in my acquisition of vintage cameras, and yesterday I realized that I'm using it as a pressure release for the stress in the rest of my life. I'm mostly OK with that (it's better than doing drugs) but it is a bit expensive for the socioeconomic level I currently enjoy so I'm going to try and slow down for a bit. Hopefully having this forum to engage with will be a new (and cheaper) release valve. I hope to start sharing some of my images soon.
Welcome. Better than doing drugs or alcohol. Have fun when you can!
The Vito's are the best cameras. I have the Vito I, Vito II, Vito B, Vito BL, Vitomatic II and Vito CLR.
Hi everyone. I'm new to the group and wanted to introduce myself. I self describe myself as an enthusiastic amateur photographer. I started young but was regularly discouraged. Then a few years ago a wrist injury made knitting difficult and painful, so I cast about for something to keep me from climbing the walls and discovered that I could hold a camera. I bought a Canon Rebel SL-1 and that was the first slip down the slope. I fell hard in love with LensBaby, especially with a macro converter because it can really make something mundane into an abstract that really makes the viewer think about what it is they're seeing.

I also really love collecting vintage cameras and shooting film. I seem to have a knack for finding really great deals at thrift stores and swapmeets and Craigslist. I look for cameras that I'm interested in, more than what "someone else" thinks is valuable. I'm infatuated with the Voigtlander Vitomatic line (I have 2 now). I inherited my grandfather's Canon F-1 (to go along with our shared love of photography). I've put a full list of my cameras (and some of my lenses) in my profile information.

When I'm not doing photography, I'm a graduate student furiously writing on my doctoral dissertation, I work full time, and I knit (I crocheted my niece a camera for her 3rd birthday :p). Suffice to say, there is quite a bit of stress in my life. Lately I've noticed a dramatic uptic in my acquisition of vintage cameras, and yesterday I realized that I'm using it as a pressure release for the stress in the rest of my life. I'm mostly OK with that (it's better than doing drugs) but it is a bit expensive for the socioeconomic level I currently enjoy so I'm going to try and slow down for a bit. Hopefully having this forum to engage with will be a new (and cheaper) release valve. I hope to start sharing some of my images soon.

From one vintage junkie to another, welcome! I even knit. :) Please use your deal-finding powers to locate a smoking deal on a Hassy 500 CM kit for me, wouldja? ;)
Welcome to TPF! We have a lot of film shooters and vintage camera buffs around here, so you're in good company. :)

Keep posting, and have fun!
I'll keep my eyes open...
Welcome to the forum. I knit too. I'm looking for a Nikon F. If you get me a good deal on ther F I'll write your dissertation for you. (I have couple unused laying about.)
Hi, that's well and good to hear @WhaleDaughter that you focus and choose photography than drugs. I presume you love the arts very much and you are real creative. Welcome to the site! I'm excited to see some of your images soon. I must agree that cameras are a stress reliever.
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Thank you everybody for the kind welcome words.

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