Wedding Photographers here? Advise Needed


TPF Noob!
Jan 28, 2014
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Toronto, ON
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Well hello!
I am looking for an engagement/wedding photographer in the Tampa, Florida area and have found three amazing choices so far! All three are rated highly and offer packages around the same price range.
I need some experienced photographers with a great eye to help me decide who is a better choice? I figured this photography forum would have a ton of great opinions from anyone who is willing to share? Perhaps one is better technique wise?

The photographers I am looking at are:

Jonathan Hare Wedding Photography | Professional Wedding Photographer and Engagement Photographer in the Tampa, FL
Jonathan Hare

Wedding and Events Photography Tampa Bay | Theresa Nesmith Photography
Theresa NeSmith

Regina Rached Photography Wedding Photographer Tampa Florida Portrait Photographer
Regina Rached

Thanks for any help you are willing to share!
I wouldn't pick Theresa based on her horrible website, but I feel like I'd pick her on her photos alone. I don't like how Regina edits and I don't prefer Jonathans style/gimmicks. But that's just me...

It's really opinion, these will be your memories, not ours.
Thanks! Please keep the opinions coming!
I agree if they are the same technique/talent wise, our decision will be based on the style/feel that represents my fiance and I.. However, I have zero photography experience myself, and I was hoping for some professional opinions regarding their technique, etc. The editing comment is helpful- what is it about the editing you don't like?
I dont like how she desaturates the photos for that soft/matte look; a very trendy look right now. There were even a few shots where the whites were beginning to look a dull gray due to it and skin tones very unnatural (shot of bride on a bride under: wedding moments). As opposed to Theresea who seems to have rich blacks and clean/natural/straight-forward edits.

Again, my preference; all appear to be talented and copetent in their own regards.
Based on skill I vote Theresa.
They all need some work on their websites -- but of the three, I liked Theresa's images the best.

I'm working on the "assumption" that a photographer is going to who the BEST examples of their photography. When I see weak images... it makes me wonder if they posted those because they lacked anything stronger to offer.

Jonathan had some very gimmicky (Photoshop of a dinosaur chasing wedding party? Bride downing a beer while standing on the bar?) shots that would make me worry about having him as my wedding photographer.

The first several images I saw by Regina were over-saturated. As I browsed through a few more times I did find several that I liked. I also found several of Jonathan's that I liked.

But overall, I thought Theresa had the strongest images... looking at composition, use of leading lines and framing, lighting, color (she de-saturates a tiny bit more than I like, but I prefer gently subdued color to over-saturated color. If I'm shooting a rock concert... something where I want an "edgy" look, then I'll saturate. If I'm shooting a wedding I want the images to convey a tenderness and saturation works against the mood.) I liked her work the best of the three.

Best of luck to you!
lol.. I like how you guys are criticizing the website.

I say Theresa and Regina are both good. They know how to shoot with both natural light and flash. Jonathan's work is not very good IMO.
Of the two I think Theresa has the stronger portfolio, Regina's wasn't terrible but I do question some of her choices in composition and... well, in the first series wardrobe... lol. I'm hoping Johnathan has some other marketable skills of some sort, honestly his portfolio really didn't impress me at all.

Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure I am not a wedding photographer nor have I ever played one on TV - I'm just an amateur shutterbug myself.
I think that picking wedding photographers from a website or even a portfolio is always a bit problematic b/c (a) they can cherry pick the best photos and (b) it won't tell you a lot about the real issues you're going to want to know. Yes, it's helpful to look at some of their work. But some photographers stay busy and don't update their work. Do look at the portfolios. But I'd still want to look at a bunch of non-portfolio issues.

1. Find out about their packages they have available. You may be someone who is only going to want 8-12 photos. Or you may be someone who wants 300 photos. Or you want them all printed and the top 10 framed and special sizes. Or you just want electronic copies and you'll print 'em out and frame them yourself.
2. Think about what kind of photos you want from the event. Some people use this as a chance to get portraits of the entire family ("okay, now let's get just Mom & Dad...okay, now all the grandkid together....okay, now let's get all the brothers together...". Do you want a focus (no pun intended) on mostly traditional photos (cutting the cake) that are cliches but is what some people want? Do you want a more artistic side of the wedding? What about a photojournalist approach (that tells a story)? Shot in a studio or a specific location or do you want the photographer to come up with a great location (like sunrise at Honeymoon State Park or Ft. DeSoto?). Some wedding/engagement photographers will also offer services shooting boudoir work (as sort of a "honeymoon" special). Some younger couples look for photographers that are deliberately non-traditional and more funky (so a shoot at Ybor City or on a beach). It's not realistic to say that you want the photographer to capture "everything" or shoot it all. While there are overlaps in these styles and approaches, the reality is that if the photographer is in shooting the bride as she prepares (a more traditional mode) then she's not out shooting art shots of the setup/preparation of the tables or behind the scenes as the chef prepares the wedding meal.
3. Capabilities. Is this a really big wedding? In which case you may want someone who has a second shooter. Are you engaging someone separately to shoot video?
4. Schedules. If the event is during prime wedding season and this is a photographer who specializes in weddings, then you're talking someone who is probably dropping in an hour before the event, shooting it and the reception, then jumping in the car to drive cross town for another wedding. You won't have the option of saying "hey, this is really an incredible sunset coming up--can you stick around another hour to shoot B&G on the beach with the sun setting?".
lol.. I like how you guys are criticizing the website.

Teresa's website is ridiculous. She's uploading ~10mb files directly to it, and my 100 MB/sec network is having a hard time displaying them. Plus the images aren't in thumbnails, or preloaded, and only a few can show up on the page at a time, so it takes a LOT of time to just look at a few of her shots.

Ain't nobody got the time for that.
Really I liked Johnathan's stuff because it was at least unique. The other two look like every single wedding photographers out there.
If I were to have Jonathan shoot for me, I'd have to provide him one of these:


image is public domain.

he definitely has a style, but it's not my cup.
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Jonathan Hare: Tilted frames, even when they are just a little bit tilted. Gimicky.

Theresa Nesmith: Still looking for photographic skill.

Regina Rached: Part of being a photographer is being able to put together a coherent, cohesive website. Photographs just so-so.

Do they have to be in Tampa? How far is Orlando? Our own Pixmedic and his photographer wife are out of Orlando. Just saying.

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