Well, that feels a bit.... odd.

Your project is fantastic. So great of you to do this. So pleased you got to Normandy. Hope you really enjoyed it. I admire your dedication.

You may do things like this anyway, but have you considered recording the interviews with the vets so you have their voice as well? Maybe in years to come you could donate copies of your ongoing archive to an appropriate museum or library?

I often have to record conversations and one of these (other brands/models available) is excellent. I would recommend getting an acoustic fur wind muff for outdoors or draughty places. The sound pick up can be done from some distance away so you don't have to worry about the device getting in the way or putting people off. It records for hours with no attention to it, if that is needed.

TASCAM DR-05 Portable Digital Recorder (Version 2)
Amazon.ca: tascam dr05
Recently underwent surgery and it was an eye opener because I have never been put out before and also expected, but didn't get, a bad finding. It sure puts a premium on every day. Those are wonderful photos. Great job. I was a volunteer to shoot for make a wish and some of my shots of a 13 yr old ended up on the casket in a continuous loop on a lap top. One of the shots is the most powerful I have ever taken, it maked grown men...and women cry. It is why when shooting a wedding it is so important to get shots of all the old folks. Those may be the last professional photos taken of them and if they are having a great time, the images are priceless.
Your project is fantastic. So great of you to do this. So pleased you got to Normandy. Hope you really enjoyed it. I admire your dedication.

You may do things like this anyway, but have you considered recording the interviews with the vets so you have their voice as well? Maybe in years to come you could donate copies of your ongoing archive to an appropriate museum or library?

I often have to record conversations and one of these (other brands/models available) is excellent. I would recommend getting an acoustic fur wind muff for outdoors or draughty places. The sound pick up can be done from some distance away so you don't have to worry about the device getting in the way or putting people off. It records for hours with no attention to it, if that is needed.

TASCAM DR-05 Portable Digital Recorder (Version 2)
Amazon.ca: tascam dr05
Thanks! I'm actually hoping to partner with another group who is doing exactly that. Not sure if it will work out or not.

Recently underwent surgery and it was an eye opener because I have never been put out before and also expected, but didn't get, a bad finding. It sure puts a premium on every day. Those are wonderful photos. Great job. I was a volunteer to shoot for make a wish and some of my shots of a 13 yr old ended up on the casket in a continuous loop on a lap top. One of the shots is the most powerful I have ever taken, it maked grown men...and women cry. It is why when shooting a wedding it is so important to get shots of all the old folks. Those may be the last professional photos taken of them and if they are having a great time, the images are priceless.
Your work is fantastic and to get there, folks had to help you along the way. We need to follow in their footsteps and give back. For me getting up at O dark thirty on saturday morning is brutal but I have judged 2 saturday morning photo competitions to give back. There are times when I use a technique, I remember the person who taught it to me. One has passed but he lives on in my work. There is another group, talk about pushing the envelope, they can't get enough shooters. It is called Now I Lay me Down to sleep. They take photos of newborns that died photoing them with the parents. I have reached for the phone several times but it is going to be brutal at first. Hey, that's how we grow. I understand, if you volunteer, they will keep you as busy as you can handle. They do require you submit proof of quality work, these are shots that can't be redone. They are sticklers on areas that should be sharp be sharp.

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