What is the benefit to being married? Why get married?


TPF Noob!
Mar 14, 2006
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What is the benefit to being married?

Keep religion out, it just gets threads locked.:hail:
IF I ever get married, the biggest benefits would be entirely emotional. A feeling of security, family, etc.

I'm not sure if there are a lot of practical reasons to get married anymore. What with palimony and insurance benefits just for "partners", it's not even beneficial on your taxes.
Although the original question is flawed ... ok... i'll play nice.... the money thing sounds good to me... other than that, and for the sake of children.... i dont see much point in it..... its alot of paperwork ;)
With all the new laws and regulations, there no longer is any noticeable financial benefit in being married.
Old-fashioned as I may be, I still think it is the best concept for a couple who want to have and raise children and agree on wanting to see them grow up until they are grown and adults ... and who can maybe also imagine to still be a couple when there might be grandchildren. But I am in no way dogmatic about it. Each to their own, I say, and those who want to have children and stay unmarried ... well. OK. I decided otherwise (and don't think I haven't had my doubts along the way as yet!?!?!)
Why get married? I loved someone and was willing to commit to this union. It just works for us.

Benefit? We share the housework, kinda:wink:
I guess I wasn't really looking for the benefits, but having someone there through bad and good feels good. And having my daughter is awsome.
There is no point in getting married.

Unless you're Italian on Portuguese or some other heritage where everyone gives you money at the wedding.

My Friends sister made almost 10k at her wedding, On TOP of paying for the actual wedding.
bace said:
There is no point in getting married.

Unless you're Italian on Portuguese or some other heritage where everyone gives you money at the wedding.

My Friends sister made almost 10k at her wedding, On TOP of paying for the actual wedding.

My best friend and her husband made $5000 at thier wedding. They are as American as apple pie.
Well...the recipe for that apple pie musta been born in Italy.
When people are married the commitment between them is more finalized. If you have kids together, but then begin having some conflicts, when you're married there's more of a sense of necessity to stay comitted and work things out. When you're just dating for a long time it's easier to just say "screw this" and leave. Now that's a generalized statement, keep in mind...but I think for teh most part that's true. There's a bigger feeling of obligation. Plus, who wouldn't want to stand at the alter and here the one you love promise to love you for who you are for the rest of your life, and always stand by your side?
bace said:
Well...the recipe for that apple pie musta been born in Italy.

Ok, horrible old picture, taken outside at night with a disposable...

My best friend is the girl in blue (duh, the one that isn't me), and the one in black is Josh, the one that is now her husband. I guess ya can't tell, but he has blonde hair, too. I'm pretty sure there is no italian in them! :lol:

core_17 said:
Ok, horrible old picture, taken outside at night with a disposable...

My best friend is the girl in blue (duh, the one that isn't me), and the one in black is Josh, the one that is now her husband. I guess ya can't tell, but he has blonde hair, too. I'm pretty sure there is no italian in them! :lol:


Are you judging someone by the way they look? I don't know these people? Are you telling me that by the way they look alone I should be able to tell they're not American.

P.S. I'm only half kidding. You racist you.
Here is my take...
Marriage is a contract... not between the people getting married (If they haven't already committed by the time they have the wedding, they've got bigger problems) but between the couple and thier community. They are publicly affirming their committment, and announcing that the community is no longer dealing with two individuals, but now are dealing with a team.

They are saying that they will support, defend, root for, etc. each other and they ask the community to respect that commitment.

So much for lurking.
morydd said:
Here is my take...
Marriage is a contract... not between the people getting married (If they haven't already committed by the time they have the wedding, they've got bigger problems) but between the couple and thier community. They are publicly affirming their committment, and announcing that the community is no longer dealing with two individuals, but now are dealing with a team.

They are saying that they will support, defend, root for, etc. each other and they ask the community to respect that commitment.

So much for lurking.
Well, we usually suck everyone into the vortex eventually. ;) Welcome!

I like your thoughts. Describes my own situation perfectly. I married for love, period. The kid was incidental. :mrgreen:
morydd said:
...and announcing that the community is no longer dealing with two individuals, but now are dealing with a team ... support, defend, root for, etc. each other and they ask the community to respect that commitment.

That is an interesting aspect, but I guess you are quite right in what you are saying here!

Thanks for coming out of lurkdom for this, morydd.
Very interesting to see what topics can do that, i.e. bring people out of lurkdom :wink:

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