what's wrong with these photos?


TPF Noob!
Oct 9, 2015
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I've been so confused lately about what I'm doing wrong. I'm be no means an beginning photographer. I've been shooting for over 3 years on full manual, so it wouldn't be some silly thing like out of focus, camera shake or something silly like that. it's not a dirty lens because i have cleaned my lens and am still having this problem. maybe i'm too close to the problem. so, if you would let me know what you think is wrong that would help so much.

These photos have not been edited


  • _MG_7576-1.jpg
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  • IMG_0369-1.jpg
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wrong as in technically or mechanically?
Which problem(s) specifically is troubling you?

I see in the first one, very soft focus on the subject, and very low contrast, but the front edge of the fountain seems fine.

The second one shows the subject in motion, but I can't tell where the focus is.
It's the fuzzy focus that is bothering me. The problem just started recently. I'm aware these photos aren't top quality, they're just examples.
have you tested your camera for focus issues with one of those fancy diagrams you can find online? Initially i thought they just werent focus properly, and that the shutter speed was maybe too slow on the second one.....but you say its not likely an issue with your focusing.....maybe back/front focus is an issue
have you tested your camera for focus issues with one of those fancy diagrams you can find online? Initially i thought they just werent focus properly, and that the shutter speed was maybe too slow on the second one.....but you say its not likely an issue with your focusing.....maybe back/front focus is an issue

I was thinking it could be a problem with my camera. It currently has been around the block a few times and I tend to be a bit rough on my gear
What camera do you have? It may help just in case someone has knowledge with the same camera.
have you tested your camera for focus issues with one of those fancy diagrams you can find online? Initially i thought they just werent focus properly, and that the shutter speed was maybe too slow on the second one.....but you say its not likely an issue with your focusing.....maybe back/front focus is an issue

I was thinking it could be a problem with my camera. It currently has been around the block a few times and I tend to be a bit rough on my gear

were it me (and im no expert by any streatch) i'd start with downloading and printing a focus test sheet. Set up the tripod and try to rule out a hardware issue that way. If you get good results, thats one thing eliminated. Or you might discover something needs adjusting
Unfortunately, I have a Canon rebel t3i. I've been looking to upgrade for awhile now but keep going for lenses instead.
Ah, so this isn't actually a Darkroom issue. I'll report it to a mod who can move it to a more appropriate forum.
Unfortunately, I have a Canon rebel t3i. I've been looking to upgrade for awhile now but keep going for lenses instead.

Sorry to ask so many questions, but what aperture, shutter speed, and ISO were used for each image you posted?

And what lens was used?
Looks like slow shutter speed is the issue in both cases. The water in the fountain is blurred and so is the volleyball player's arm.
first one: iso 100 f/ 5.0 shutter 1/125
second one: iso 800 f/ 2.o shutter 1/250
Yeah slow shutter is the issue here. Add a little camera shake and you get blurry images.

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