Which focus is better?


TPF Noob!
Feb 11, 2006
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey folks, haven't been around in a while, been putting to use all the good advice I got here last year.

This is two photos of the same scene, but with different focus. Which is better? I haven't cropped them, or done any adjustments to the levels either, so suggestions in that regard would also be welcome.

It's OK to edit these photos if it makes the explanation easier . . . I couldn't find where to indicate that in my profile!



thanks everyone! :D


oh, it's a Canon EOS Elan II with 75-300mm lens, 400 HD film
too much clutter in both for me, the cropped foreground one would be an improvement but a closer shot of either the group or single mallard would be the way to go. H
I would agree. There is just a little too much clutter so it's hard to find something to consentrate on and hold my focus. I see what you are getting at but it was only apparent once you posted the two pictures. If you would have posted one, I wouldn't have been as obvious. You did a great job on the focus though. I have that same camera!!! I really like it.
I prefer number 1... the duck in 1 has more colors
Hey thanks you guys! right on.

Getting the hang of focussing for effect has been a trial; I'm always working with subjects that move constantly.

OK, given your advice . ... how about this instead

a different shot of #1, just the background


and a different shot of the foreground duck alone


it's hard to believe these two are moments apart; I was really going for the contrast in lighting etc. between the foregrounds and backgrounds. I guess I picked a scene too complicated for that attempt?


PS: yes the camera is super-awesome and makes me happy every day!
well done, thats what i would have done also, i agreed with the clutter in the shot, but with those cropped shots, your set!

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