Aargh! I am too soft for this dark side gallery, really.
First I look at Woody's "Metamorphosis", now I look at your eyeless-eyes-pics, emo ... and it is time for bed now.
What am I going to dream?
Aaaargh! :shock:
Thanks woodsac & Calliope.. you want to learn the trick? it is that hard. you must practice your eyes looking up, the highest it could get (like when we sleep) then close your eyelids a bit, then that's it!
wow...I wish I could do that. Really really dig the second image.
One of my halloween buddies does it. He usually dresses up as The Crow. When people come near, he rolls his eye up. Really creepy. One of my other buddies is blind in one eye. He usually wears glasses, but at halloween, he lets the bad eye out. He had Cancer when he was young, and lost the vision, but it really has a great effect, especially cause he dresses as Jason.
Whoa-whoa-whoa again!
Some of it DID enter my dreams, though it showed in a totally different manner than would be expected ... but to tell you that dream would take us too far, but some part of it had to do with eyes that were not there, and that part can ONLY have derived from this thread here.