

    Cat shadow

    I shot this with iphone panorama. This is cropped to a 3:1 aspect ratio. When the cat crossed in front of me I stopped moving to get the shadow then started moving again to get the rest. The cat and the shadow are completely separated. How does it look?



    bus stop

    Sunset. Backlight on transparent plastic. Long shadows. Dark blacks and bright whites. BUS STOP by ACHILLEAS VOURVOPOULOS, on Flickr

    Church at night

    I was going for something dramatic baroque. Higher contrast less greys. How does it look?
  5. Church at night

    Church at night

  6. nerwin

    Low key lighting with Luke (my cat)

    I saw my cat, Luke sitting in the sunlight for a whole 60 seconds for me to take these pictures and thought it would be a good idea to do some natural low key lighting.
  7. nerwin

    I need coffee

    I made a cup of coffee and set it down while it was pipping hot and noticed the sun was shinning in and making the steam extremely visible. I grabbed my camera and took a few shots using the 105mm macro lens. I need coffee by Nicholas Erwin, on Flickr
  8. L

    Lighting recommendation for Nikon mirrorless Macro NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S

    Hi! I hope you are well. I'm a newbie who likes to photograph insects. 🤓 I have a mirrorless camera and recently, I bought a used Macro lens NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S (NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S | macro lens) Until now, I have been using a portable light for lighting without having great...
  9. N

    How to make such portrait lightning?

    Please look at this video and tell me your opinion: 1. how many lights would you use to achieve similar results? 2. what kind of lights? 3. where would the position of these lights be? 4. from scale 0 to 10, which light would have which intensity? 5. what type of camera? 6. what type of lense...
  10. D

    Shoots like the human eye sees the details and the contrast between the bright light and the outside

    I want to shoot a photography but the image looks too bright or too dark. Here I made some editing (I combined these two photo into one ) to show how it seen through the human eye. Are there some settings to shoots like the human eye sees the details and the contrast between the bright light...
  11. Danner Hood Winter Light 8" Brown Boots

    Danner Hood Winter Light 8" Brown Boots

    Danner: Hood Winter Light 8" Brown Insulated 200G Waterproof GORE-TEX Boots
  12. S

    Leica - Showing Small Light Area In Corner Of Photos

    Imgur Imgur See pictures above: Can anyone help me diagnose what is going on with my camera. It is a Leica Mini Zoom.. It doesn't always show up in every photo but when it does its always in the same shape/location of photo. Thanks for any help regarding this matter.
  13. K

    Godox VL150 Review

    If you are looking for a good constant Studio LED, check out this light. I reviewed it recently and could prove useful! Cheers.
  14. primefactor123

    Playing With Light

  15. T

    Start up lights for studio, family and portraits shots.

    Hi, about to buy my first lights. Wondering if ive chosen the right ones. Thinking of buying Godox V1 and Godox AD200pro. Then build from there. Would that be a nice start or should i choose something else?
  16. gossamer

    Strip light for key light for profile pictures

    Hi, I have a D500 with a 24-70mm and I'm trying to set up an environment for taking profile pictures / headshots for a few friends. I also have two Flashpoint XPLOR 600s with two Glow 36" octoboxes and an SB700 flash for lighting the background. I purchased the Fovitec 14x62 strip softbox with...
  17. T

    Shutter Speed

    I am trying to do a study with "playing with light" I am having trouble with the shutter speed (i am a n00b) But i seem to be getting it right. ISO ~100 shutter 5 sec-10sec any tips for me here? here is my best so far, granted I have only started to explore this today Shooting Sony A6300
  18. R

    jewellery product photography help

    Hi people , I'm fairly new to the photography game have been reseaching over the past 6 months what I can , but my issue is that I'm doing some product jewellery shots for my partners new business (trying to keep costs down), to get that white background as per website pictures and all I seem to...
  19. nerwin

    Golden Hour Fun

    Took a short walk last light during golden hour, it was so quiet too. You can hear all the critter rustling in the bushes and birds chirpings. No cars, it was just peaceful. Took the XT2 + 60 2.4
  20. lordbaca

    MARE (be as brutally honest)

    This was my first take on directorial photography. I really like the work of Gregory Crewdson and Didier Massard and attempted to create a similar aesthetic based on my childhood fears of aliens. please be as open and honest and give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
  21. birdbonkers84

    My hometown at night

    I had planned to get star trails behind the war memorial last night, but I messed up with my interval device so got nothing after waiting an hour. Took this as a consolation before heading home. Stonehaven at night by Mark Coull, on Flickr
  22. angelusagendi

    1 strobe and one modifier under 300$ for the beginner.

    Hello everyone, Finally I am going to purchase one light with a modifier this week. Thank you for all your suggestions. So I want to buy one strobe light, strong enough to do a portrait beginner photoshoot at my home. And I prefer softbox over umbrella as light modifier. You suggested some...
  23. J

    is the problem my camera or development?

    I have recently bought a Contaflex 35mm. The first roll developed has a line across every photo (see pictures). I assume this is a problem with the camera itself, and not in the development process. Anyone know which one it may be, and what I should do?
  24. B

    Smartphone apps

    I have begun looking at some smartphone apps related to cloud cover and light timing. The light timings could be very useful to get a better idea of the location and situation before spending hours in the car to find out the lighting is wrong due to the landscape. Anyone have any experience...
  25. trinidadgonzalezsardi

    Don't know what's wrong with my wireless flash trigger

    Hi guys! So, I have a Yongnuo RF-603 wireless flash shutter trigger and I don't understand how to make it work. I'm using it with a Nikon D7000 and a Nikon Flash SB 700. The RF 603 goes on and off, aparently works, but when I put it on my camera it doesn't make the flash work. I followed the...
  26. MarshallClay

    Exposure/Light Meter Question

    Hello! I was wondering about the light meter on my camera. From what I had come to understand when I first started shooting in manual, the goal was to get the marker right in the middle for good exposure. Photos from my camera seem to have a tendency to look quite underexposed when I am in the...
  27. G

    Canon AE-1 issue?

    Hi, I just bought the Canon AE-1 and noticed that the self-timer light is on, constantly. It's not as bright but more soft. Even if it's on lock mode. Is this normal? If anyone can answer this question, I appreciate it.
  28. alexwa

    What kind of lighting / diffusers would be good for furniture like this?

    Hi. I make furniture and want to get a little more serious about photographing & selling it. I have a Panasonic GH4 and a 20 mm F/1.7 lens and a tripod. Does anyone have any lighting / lens / equipment recommendations for me? I'll attach a picture of a wooden stool I made and another couple of...
  29. Osle

    Maiden of The Forest (+BTS video)

    Hi, Here's couple pitures that we shoot this summer. In video there is few tips for mixing flash to ambient light and theres also technical data of the images. Hope it's useful or fun to someone... At least we have good time to shooting it! YouTube link to BTS-video Best wishes, Ossi Lehtonen
  30. Thomas Cross

    Power Question

    Will I be tripping the FUSE BOX at my apartment?? I plan on buying two 500watt lights connected to 202 AC. I live in France and the voltage in my apartment goes up to 240. Thanks
  31. C

    Converting a DSLR to Full Specturm (Infrared)

    After recently acquiring an old Nikon D70s, I decided to delve into the world of infra-red photography. Last year i experimented with putting an IR pass filter on my Sony a6000 kit lens and doing 30s shutters to see what IR only light looked like. As you can expect, the results were...
  32. Ashbridges Bay Toronto Canada Sunrise No 4

    Ashbridges Bay Toronto Canada Sunrise No 4

    From a series of color photos of mornings spent enjoying the sunrise at Ashbridges Bay in Toronto Canada. Original photography using a Canon EOS T1i body. Hand painted in Photoshop. Brian Carson The Learning Curve Photography
  33. J

    Is my Canon A1 Light-Meter Faulty?

    Hey guys, So I bought a Canon A1 the other day with a 50mm lense and shot my first few rolls of film at a party and in the city at night. What I find strange my light meter and the exposures that its giving me. So I shot at ISO400 at the party which was indoors with decent lighting, and it...
  34. V

    To be the very best!

    Hello everybody! Let me introduced myself a little bit, my name is Daniel and I am 16 years old. I have doing photography little over a year now and I have gain a lot of skill. That said only camera skill, I have recently fighting over myself how to become better. I mostly learn photography...
  35. M

    How come film lights are so pricey?

    I've wanted a film light for my dslr camera for some basic filming and photographing. And it seems to me that film lights are just led lights, which leads me to the question, how come they are so darn expensive? I know they vary widely in price but still I'm not quite sure what you get in the...
  36. redbourn

    So what happened to the colors?

    The eggplant looks pretty much the right color and the rice is fine. The sauce in the center was tomato colored and the chicken had no yellow or orange. No cheese. I had no success fixing it in PS or LR but I'm no expert. Help would be very welcome.
  37. nf1

    Portraits with small light modifiers

    I've just finished a test of two small portable light modifiers for my blog and wanted to share the images I got. Constructive comments and critiques are welcome. The modifiers used are quite small and portable: The first two images are with 30 cm (12") Octabox. The second two are with...
  38. tgalloway

    New Gear for Smartphone Shots

    So...I'm new on this forum, but I think I'll stick around. I'm a sort of "real" photographer, I guess. I've shot model and product shots am-professionally for work, and plenty of family shots over the years. Canon 7D is my main camera. Prosumer, I guess and not full frame, but a very decent...
  39. Ironlegs

    Blue | Fashion portrait | 2015

    Hello everyone, long time no see ! Recently i was on a photography workshop where i was trying cameras and lenses and there was one model and this light setup so this is basicaly my first fashion portrait, so i wanted to share this with you all. ( i borrowed Canon 6d and 70-200 f/2.8 and its...
  40. Roadside Antiques Shop in Torrance Ontario

    Roadside Antiques Shop in Torrance Ontario

    A well used building now serves as a roadside antiques shop near Torrance Ontario. Brian Carson The Learning Curve Photography