Any feedback appreciated


TPF Noob!
Oct 19, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
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Been using my D3100 for a few years now and just trying to continue to expand my photography. Any feedback is appreciated :)


  • DSC_0033.webp
    107.6 KB · Views: 152
  • DSC_0158.webp
    1.8 MB · Views: 164
Second one might benefit from some color-tone variation, by way of channel mixer adjustment, or by way of the so-called "color filter effect" processing options, such as those used in Lightroom. As-shown, the different colors look a bit too similar to my eye; using say, the orange filter effect, or the green filter effect, you'd definitely get some very major, strong, notable changes in a few of the masks, and that would I think, really elevate this shot.
Here's another case where understanding what your histogram is showing you in your image will help you to better control the post production conversion. In the first image, your histogram is pushed way to the left indicating you have limited mid tone values and lots of strong dark's. In the second image where I've managed to push some of the darker values back to the mid-tone values and pushing the darker tones away from the left edge. In some cases, you can have a darker left or a lighter right and it makes the image but in most of those cases there isn't the predominance of mid values as seen in this image.

no midtones.webp

mask mids.webp

Just an opinion do take or leave as you wish.
The first one works as an exercise in lines and angles but there is some strange torsion going on.
Note that the floor seems to be slanted down and the uprights canted.


The second really has no center of interest and I don't understand the urge to convert this to BW; it seems like it would cry out to be colorful.

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