Because of the moderators

Walk the talk Gary! Post some real NSFW! :p. Ill post it for you! mwahahahahah

o hey tyler said:
Yeah, it's been really great how the mods move threads that they deem "NSFW" to the subscribing members forum where not even the OP can view them, rather than changing the images to links... Or deleting the thread altogether.

And most of them are very tame and shouldn't have NSFW
give me the pw to the galleries.
The mods do their job according to the rules that they are given.
Quibbles about what gets moved or not or complaints that we all can't just dump our pictures in one gallery seem minor to me compared to the fact that, with the atmosphere improved, it is just a better, friendlier place to be without much of the free-floating hostility.

My personal responses to the complaints are:
re: moving 'nsfw' thread - inquire and clarify the rules. subscribe so you can see the hidden galleries. remember that you are getting all this fun for free. if you want a larger audience for your NSFW pictures, there are other places that thrive on it.

re: categorizing pictures into separate sub-Forums - dumping every new thread into one big forum is what seems ridiculous to me, like having all your email in one folder labelled mail.
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I think you spoke to soon...

No offense mods, you all do a tremendous job, but this dram dram crap seems to come in waves.
I'm new to this forum and it seems like a good place. Not to be a troublemaker, but if one were looking for a "more aggressive" forum in which to post, which one/s would you recommend? Sometimes I'm open to these types of critiques as well.
You've come to the right place!

I've heard of some other forums being hypercritical, but it wouldn't be polite to call out individual websites.

Do a quick google search of photography forums, or the specific type of photography you do. You're sure to find what you're looking for :)
I'm still drawing blanks for a reply that doesn't come off like brown nosing. The introduction of Tres Hombres has made a noticeable impact nonetheless.
I'm new to this forum and it seems like a good place. Not to be a troublemaker, but if one were looking for a "more aggressive" forum in which to post, which one/s would you recommend? Sometimes I'm open to these types of critiques as well.

you mistake the issue, a bit.

We give aggressive criticism but what isn't tolerated any more is the personal attacks unrelated to photos that were tolerated before.
I'm new to this forum and it seems like a good place. Not to be a troublemaker, but if one were looking for a "more aggressive" forum in which to post, which one/s would you recommend? Sometimes I'm open to these types of critiques as well.
Hmmm, this seems to contradict the only thread you have started.

Perhaps you'll start posting photos for C&C and realize that the old saying "Be careful of what you ask" has teeth..... well, fangs sometimes.
We give aggressive criticism but what isn't tolerated any more is the personal attacks unrelated to photos that were tolerated before.
Good deal. Agreed, personal attacks unrelated to photos are not cool.
Hmmm, this seems to contradict the only thread you have started.
I can see where one might get that idea. When I talk about "critique-friendly" I mean the fact that both the poster and responder don't have to spend a lot of time playing games; sending positive reinforcement by first finding something you like about the photo so you won't hurt someone's feelings. I would prefer the responder get right to the point, likewise many times I may want to just offer a quick comment or suggestion. Another issue I and others encounter on another forum is their rules restrict the type of feedback we seek. For instance many photographers find it helpful to receive critique on a body of work that tells a story i.e. photojournalism, wedding, or perhaps a senior session; seeking not necessarily a critique on each image in the set, but rather the set as a whole. This type of critique can be very helpful. I look forward to being able have these types of critiques on this forum. I hope this clarifies my remarks.
...I mean the fact that both the poster and responder don't have to spend a lot of time playing games; sending positive reinforcement by first finding something you like about the photo so you won't hurt someone's feelings.
This is a valid instructional technique and the purpose is NOT just make the recipient "feel better", but in fact serves to establish the credentials of the person providing the critique.

I would prefer the responder get right to the point, likewise many times I may want to just offer a quick comment or suggestion.
By all means, if you desire specific critique, mention that in your post. If you only want to provide a brief comment to someone else, that's fine as well, however bear in mind that a simple "The angle doesn't work" type of comment is not terribly useful unless it's accompanied by a reason and suggestion.

Another issue I and others encounter on another forum is their rules restrict the type of feedback we seek. For instance many photographers find it helpful to receive critique on a body of work that tells a story i.e. photojournalism, wedding, or perhaps a senior session; seeking not necessarily a critique on each image in the set, but rather the set as a whole. This type of critique can be very helpful...
Good point! Unfortunately to provide this level of critique takes time, and often members just don't have the time required to provide this.
In the olden days I would walk by tpf and would be dragged into the bar fight, all one pile and everyone fighting. Everyone knew the best fighters and those that kept asking for trouble. Now I walk by and almost miss the darn place, no noise, no attitudes and even nudes dancing in the place with men and women greeting each proper and right "good day sir", nice evening m'lady", "care for a spot of tea?" Who says society is going down the tubes.:lol:
yes, it was fine as long as you weren't the target of the a8holes and, especially if your work wasn't the stuff getting picked apart by those who never took the chance of posting themselves.

lots of good people left because the atmosphere was bloody and not conducive to just doing photography and getting along.
there is a happy medium where snarky and sarcasm is fine and the mods protect the other members from the aholes.
I wasn't here a long time ago so I have no frame of reference, but I still feel a bit of hostility in many instances.

It seems like people with similar interests are always trying to one up each other for dominance in the forum's perception of their skill/knowledge whether it be cars, photography, video games, whatever.

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