
TPF Noob!
Oct 6, 2017
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South Alabama
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Hey everyone!

Okay....I'm 25 yo and have been running a successful photography business for a year and 6 mo now. I'm located in south Alabama, so Hey Y'all!! Ha! I have really dove off into newborn sessions, specifically, as they are my favorite. There's a couple things I would like you guy's/gal's opinion on when it comes to newborns. I thought I liked my DOF to be very deep so I can get that soft, wrinkle-free back drop which sadly, results in a "floating baby". This could also be due to my choice of material as I have been using thin-stretchy, cotton fabric. I was recently advised by another professional on here to not worry about "sharp" focal points/subjects that to switch back to my portrait lens/50mm. I'm using a 35mm 1.2 right now because my studio is tiny and I can't back up very far. I guess I am so obsessed with sharpness because in the end, I drastically reduce the noise in Lightroom for smooth, creamy if not as will be one-big blob by the time it's all over? Don't judge my gray on gray....I realize that's a no-no. I corrected that in last night's session by adding color for contrast and something to look at, rather. I have come a long way since I started but there is still SO much to improve. Any and all advice is welcome. Thank you in advance! Feel free to share anything at all about your hobby/business in newborns. I would love to know if you enjoy it, how long you have been doing it, if there is anything you love/hate about it....I'm eager to see what everyone else is experiencing. Much love to all!!! :) <3 xoxo -Alex


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I think you mean that you like your DOF to be shallow (not deep) for the creamy background. Anyhoo, here's a little secret! Most of those amazing blurred blankets in the background that you see froms pros are done in post. You can purchase actions or if you are on a budget, google techniques for enhancing bokeh in photoshop or lightroom.

I wouldn't go too shallow for the full body newborn shots like the ones you posted... for those you usually want all facial features to be in focus. Maybe hover around f2 - 2.2. Use a macro lens up close when you only want to get certain facial features like eyelashes or little lips in focus.

Also - why do you have so much noise that you have to drastically reduce? Depending on your camera, you really shouldn't go above ISO 500 with newborns. They already have so much going on with their skin. And you are correct, too much noise reduction softens your image, so find another way. If you are using a higher ISO because you are using natural light and don't have enough - 1. Your window may not be large enough or light is obstructed 2. Consider artificial lighting. If you are nervous about strobes with newborns (I use one), there are plenty of continuous lighting options. Also, if you have the option, your studio walls should be white to bounce light.

Lastly, I second the 50mm 1.4. The 35 so close to the baby can cause distortion. You dont have to stand much further back with the 50. It's a better choice if you can swing it. I got mine used for under $200 and it's my go-to newborn lens.

Good luck! It looks like you have come so far already!

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