getting objects to "stand up" while shooting on plexi


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2009
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I was wondering how people get their items to stand at weird angles while taking pictures of them.

are they ebing hanged? are they putting something behind them? and they holding it and then photoshop the fingers out?

any help would be greatly appreciated!
monofilament fishing line. fine monel wire. modeling clay. wedges. chopsticks + clay. wire hangers. carboard splints.
I was wondering how people get their items to stand at weird angles while taking pictures of them.

are they ebing hanged? are they putting something behind them? and they holding it and then photoshop the fingers out?

any help would be greatly appreciated!

this question is so wrong on so many levels ... sorry no help except a little humor :shrug:
I was wondering how people get their items to stand at weird angles while taking pictures of them.

are they ebing hanged? are they putting something behind them? and they holding it and then photoshop the fingers out?

any help would be greatly appreciated!

this question is so wrong on so many levels ... sorry no help except a little humor :shrug:

hahaha.... wow! just realised how perverted that question was! lol...

Thanks though for the input...

Im trying to get a computer motherboard to stand on the corner of its pcb. so far no luck, fishing wire breaks. :(

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