
TPF Noob!
Jun 30, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
(pitty I wont be using it any more)

Ok ok, so I know that this has now become as big a question as " Nikon vs Canon, Family Guy vs American Dad, Terminator vs Robocop or... Is Tom cruise Gay? <-(Who cares? I'm a fan) So hear goes!

Now that Photoshop CS6 is now PS CC and is now on a monthly subscription based format I for one will refuse to use it, if not just for the rediculus idea of renting software, also because I simply cannot afford to have any more DD (Direct Debits) coming out of my account. So where do we/I go from here? There is an abundance of free image editing software out there but are they any good? And what about the cheaper than photoshop software? Can It cut the mustard?
I mean For the last 7 Years Ive struggled to learn the various techniques on PS,Ive spent a small fortune on PS magazines and CS software, Ive honed my skills and have gained confidence in my image editing abilities in PS. I started with Photoshop CS2 and went from there all the way through to CS6 and now they tell me they want to line my pockets on a monthly basis!

Anyone else feel like Adobe just hit them a kick in the nuts/lady garden?

The only options I can see as a windows user is GIMP and Serifphoto plusx6 but how can I expect to just switch to a lesser software and maintain the high standards That I spent the best part of a decade learning? I expect that this (how I feel) is how film photographers felt when digital photography spread like a fire through a closed box of matches! Or how DJS felt when the format went to laptops rather than Vinal decks. (Still hurting from that transition)
The only thing I can hope for is that Adobe listen to there customers and release a stand alone photographers software? Please? Is that too much to ask for?

Feel free to jump in and set the record straight for Adobe If your in agreeance with the future, but the problem is not all photographers have broadband and or cash to spend on monthly subscriptions. I mean my mortgadge is in access of £450 and my rates are £125. Thats per month. then you have to take into consideration my utility bills...electric, oil, food and clothes and not to mention my child and wife to look after! I mean just where are we suposed to get the cash from?
Come on Adobe, Wise up! Listen to the masses?

Anyone else got any input on this?
Lets see.... $9.99 (US) a month is going to destroy using Photoshop? Membership plans: Pricing, upgrades, and subscriptions | Adobe Creative Cloud (Is it higher overseas or something?)


I could see this only being a problem for those that downloaded it illegally, and don't own a legitimate serial number for it.

Especially when buying CS6 is not cheap ($600.00 plus), which would be what... FIVE years of the subscription price.

This whole subscription thing would have probably never happened if it wasn't for the software thieves that were downloading it for free right and left....
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Why not just keep using CS6? They aren't going to charge you for that.
Lets see.... $9.99 (US) a month is going to destroy using Photoshop? Membership plans: Pricing, upgrades, and subscriptions | Adobe Creative Cloud

View attachment 49181

I could see this being a problem for those that downloaded it illegally, and don't own a legitimate serial number for it.

Especially when buying CS6 is not cheap ($600.00 plus), which would be what... FIVE years of the subscription price.

This whole subscription thing would have probably never happened if it wasn't for the software thieves that were downloading it for free right and left....

riiight. and if noone pirated movies, ticket prices would be lower. and music CD prices would be lower. and video game prices would be lower.
im not saying that software piracy hasnt been a factor in some decisions, but what they are REALLY looking for, i believe, is a larger "repeat customer" base. and thats exactly what the cloud gets them. a consistent source of revenue. I think it was bound to happen, piracy or no. Im perfectly happy with CS5. i will probably get LR5 at some point, but i had/have no intention of getting CS6. so...adobe wont be getting more money from me for PS, and until i decide to get LR5, they wont be getting any money from me at all. The solution? The cloud. Its not a bad deal if you always want up to date software. I just don't like extra recurring bills. im not mad at adobe for the decision. its just like any other product. people can take it or leave it.
Yes Thats prety attractive per month... but ( at the risk of sounding cheap) I (as I said in my origional post) cannot afford anymore Direct debits coming out of my account. I am living beyond my means as it is. I purchased my copy of CS6 legitamitly but again as I said I can just about manage my bills as thery are. So how then can I expect to pay more to photoshop for software that I paid £349 for?
The entire Creative Cloud scam has zero to do with illegal downloads...it allows Adobe to slack off on developing innovative new features in new releases of their products, and instead allows them to get a monthly revenue stream by milking their customers monthly, kind of the way a dairy farmer milks his herd. Under the old model, Adobe earned money only once they had a newly-developed product, so there would be mass numbers of buyers, and so they were forced to actually PAY software engineers monthly paychecks for months on end, until such time as they felt their user base would buy their new, iterated version. So...every 18 months or so, Adobe tried hard to have a new product to offer, HOPING that the users would see the value of a new feature or two here and there, and would open their wallets, and buy the new "upgrade". Well, after years of development, and the development of other competitors in image manipulation software, Adobe decided they needed a way to continually milk their herd, every single month, for the rest of their lives. NO longer were users expected to buy an expensive product once, and have a product that WORKED for years on end. Instead, users would be subjected to a monthly fee in order to have access to their work. If you quit paying, well, your work would effectively be locked away from you. It's called extortion in other fields. Adobe in effect sells software that only functions as long as the user keeps paying them to allow it to work. Good job Adobe!
Yes Thats prety attractive per month... but ( at the risk of sounding cheap) I (as I said in my origional post) cannot afford anymore Direct debits coming out of my account. I am living beyond my means as it is. I purchased my copy of CS6 legitamitly but again as I said I can just about manage my bills as thery are. So how then can I expect to pay more to photoshop for software that I paid £349 for?

unless you really NEED all the software that comes with the creative suite, why get CS at all? just get elements. or lightroom 5.
i wouldn't have gotten CS5 at all if it wasn't a gift. I don't use most of it anyway.
I downloaded the trial version of the latest Elements. Oh-my-Lord, what an utterly abysmal interface. Seems as if it was deliberately designed to be inferior. Trying to use Elements was utterly MADDENING.
unless you really NEED all the software that comes with the creative suite, why get CS at all? just get elements. or lightroom 5.
i wouldn't have gotten CS5 at all if it wasn't a gift. I don't use most of it anyway.

For me, Elements doesn't have some of the CS capability that I need (and I'm not even talking about the suite... I just mean PS)... But like someone said, why even bother upgrading? I still use CS5... Surely you can continue using whatever you're using now...
I downloaded the trial version of the latest Elements. Oh-my-Lord, what an utterly abysmal interface. Seems as if it was deliberately designed to be inferior. Trying to use Elements was utterly MADDENING.

Ugh.. Bummer. Guess im ok with sticking to CS5 and LR4.
Yes Thats prety attractive per month... but ( at the risk of sounding cheap) I (as I said in my origional post) cannot afford anymore Direct debits coming out of my account. I am living beyond my means as it is. I purchased my copy of CS6 legitamitly but again as I said I can just about manage my bills as thery are. So how then can I expect to pay more to photoshop for software that I paid £349 for?

Then my question still stands. Why not just use what you already have and pay zero for it?
Yes Thats prety attractive per month... but ( at the risk of sounding cheap) I (as I said in my origional post) cannot afford anymore Direct debits coming out of my account. I am living beyond my means as it is. I purchased my copy of CS6 legitamitly but again as I said I can just about manage my bills as thery are. So how then can I expect to pay more to photoshop for software that I paid £349 for?

Then my question still stands. Why not just use what you already have and pay zero for it?

Because in time It will be outdated.. I mean If i offered you CS2 and said but look here I have CS6 which would you preferr? Its like sayin ill give you a loaf of bread but if you let me raid your bank account on a monthly basis ill give you the nife to butter it with, but not the butter... that comes next month!
Yes Thats prety attractive per month... but ( at the risk of sounding cheap) I (as I said in my origional post) cannot afford anymore Direct debits coming out of my account. I am living beyond my means as it is. I purchased my copy of CS6 legitamitly but again as I said I can just about manage my bills as thery are. So how then can I expect to pay more to photoshop for software that I paid £349 for?

Then my question still stands. Why not just use what you already have and pay zero for it?

Because in time It will be outdated.. I mean If i offered you CS2 and said but look here I have CS6 which would you preferr? Its like sayin ill give you a loaf of bread but if you let me raid your bank account on a monthly basis ill give you the nife to butter it with, but not the butter... that comes next month!
I would take CS2.

Like I said I'm not even running CS6.... I'm running CS5 and that's gonna be fine for me for the next who knows how many years. Well.. INDEFINITELY now that the Cloud has arrived.

What's happening is that you're falling victim to the "OH! I MUST HAS A NEW SHINNY!" trend that happens every time something new comes out

You have a NEWER software than *I* have right now... and YOU'RE worried about it going outdated EVENTUALLY? :greenpbl:

Then my question still stands. Why not just use what you already have and pay zero for it?

Because in time It will be outdated.. I mean If i offered you CS2 and said but look here I have CS6 which would you preferr? Its like sayin ill give you a loaf of bread but if you let me raid your bank account on a monthly basis ill give you the nife to butter it with, but not the butter... that comes next month!
I would take CS2.

Like I said I'm not even running CS6.... I'm running CS5 and that's gonna be fine for me for the next who knows how many years. Well.. INDEFINITELY now that the Cloud has arrived.

What's happening is that you're falling victim to the "OH! I MUST HAS A NEW SHINNY!" trend that happens every time something new comes out

You have a NEWER software than *I* have right now... and YOU'RE worried about it going outdated EVENTUALLY? :greenpbl:


You have a point!
Because in time It will be outdated.. I mean If i offered you CS2 and said but look here I have CS6 which would you preferr? Its like sayin ill give you a loaf of bread but if you let me raid your bank account on a monthly basis ill give you the nife to butter it with, but not the butter... that comes next month!
Software only becomes outdated for one of 2 reasons:
1. It will no longer do what you need it to do. This might be because new camera bodies are not supported or new file formats are not formatted. It might be because the files are too large or something along those lines.

2. There are features in newer versions that do things you feel that you need.

Until it gets to the point where you really need to upgrade CS6 just keep using it. I have, among other software, a fairly recent version of Corel Paintshop Pro (version 14). Not the newest but relatively new. I also have version 7 of Paintshop Pro, copyright 2000. I personally prefer to use the old version because it's smaller and much, much faster and easier to use.

By the time that happens there may be something as good or better on the market, you may decide you don't need the newer features, your finances might improve, many things could happen.

Personally I don't care for Photoshop. I have CS6, I have Lightroom, I have DxO Optics 7, I have Corel Paintshop Pro, I have Corel Aftershot (formerly Bibble 5), and I have Nikon Capture NX2. Of all those I personally prefer Nikon Capture NX2 and it is pretty much all I use. I use Paintshop Pro for a few tools, I occasionally use ACR when I get into a tough RAW conversion. You never know what will come along that tickles your fancy.

Use what you have until you reach a point that it won't do what you want any longer and then worry about it. Heck, for all we know Adobe will have abandoned that silly cloud nonsense and gone back to what they provided before. Or, whoever buys Adobe when they lose the bulk of their customer base will put things back like they were.

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