More Milky Way as the season winds down


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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Only a few Milky Way windows left this year. I have to say that chasing MW photos has been one of the things that kept me sane during this crazy year.

It was a bit cloudy last night and the MW window was less than 90 minutes long due to the time of year and the moonrise/moon phase. Our little socially distanced convoy of 3 people in 3 cars headed north anyway, figuring if the sky was a bust at least we could scout a few spots for next weekend.

The clouds thankfully moved out of the way just as we got set up on the beach. I think this is the most detail I’ve captured in the MW so far. This is a single shot, no composite no stacking - just edited in LR and Snapseed to bring out the details.

Fuji 14mm, f/2.8, ISO 1600, 17 seconds

chasing the Milky Way by SharonCat..., on Flickr
Awesome sky. I could gaze into that for hours.
Very nice. To be honest, I think I like the last one the best.

Thanks for your input. I did pull down the yellows and the overall saturation in the second one to try to hide some of the light pollution.

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